Loqitags or tagging refers to categorizing or labeling content, your own or others (tag-reply), with words, phrases, names, or other information, optionally linked to specific people, events, locations, such as the practice of tagging posts being about certain people (person-tag), like tagging people or other items where (area-tag) they're depicted in a photo https://indieweb.org/tag
Loqitaxonomy is an explicitly curated, often designed, set of categories or labels, often hierarchical as well, in contrast to the folksonomy of tags and hashtags https://indieweb.org/taxonomy
Sadale_, tetov-irc, _inky, gRegorLove_, schmudde, srushe, capjamesg, sm2n, [Paul_Walk] and kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
[manton]When I was adding categories to Micro.blog, I thought about all the years I was blogging in WordPress and entering tags that just weren’t used much. I decided to simplify things in Micro.blog so that it only has categories. Makes for a much simpler and obvious UI. Your milage may vary, etc.
petermolnarhttps://kylechayka.substack.com/p/essay-digital-nostalgia - "TikTok is more oriented toward consumption than creation. Passively watching the For You page, you don’t even have to choose who to follow." - I think there were many, many books warning us about this future.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "forced down on your throat" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "forced down on your throat is ____", a sentence describing the term)
n8chz1, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and silberfuchs joined the channel
[KevinMarks]I feel like tagging makes more natural sense for longform blogposts and photos than notes. Part of the thing with tags is not knowing which ones end up used much
tracydurnell[d]I'll often use four or five tags, occasionally more, depending what I'm saving and if there are multiple contexts I can see myself wanting to refer back to it for