#indieweb 2021-12-11

2021-12-11 UTC
Seirdy, KartikPrabhu, rvalue, aranjedeath, Seb[d], _inky, tetov-irc, sennomo_, schmudde, Sadale, n8chz, [schmarty], chenghiz_, [dmitshur], nertzy, mlncn, ben_thatmustbeme, colivier[d] and [jacky] joined the channel
what are channels
Join the #indieweb discussion via the web, Slack, IRC, Discord, or Matrix clients now with additional channels for dev, wordpress, and meta specific chat! https://indieweb.org/channels
walkah[m], rommudoh[m], Abhas[m], reed, benatkin, hala-bala[m], doubleloop[m], vikanezrimaya, Lohn, jfkimmes[m], jryans, samwilson, threewordchant, MatrixTravelerbo, diegov, mambang[m], zwro[m], jamietanna[m], IntriguedWow[d] and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
Hi - could you add our Mastodon instance as another channel for Indieweb discussions? http://indieweb.social
not really appropriate for that, since that page is clearly about the "official" set of bridged chat channels
Seirdy and schmudde joined the channel
Agreed, the /discuss page is meant for all the real-time chat platforms that are all connected to each other
mlncn joined the channel
Ah, OK, all good, thanks...
_inky, KartikPrabhu, apophys, gxt, [chrisbergr] and tetov-irc joined the channel