#LoqiMastodon is an open source social network project that supports some IndieWeb building blocks like microformats2 & rel-me, and has a federation of many instances, including https://indieweb.social/ for IndieWeb fans https://indieweb.org/Mastodon
#[tantek][timothy_chambe] ^ that seems like the appropriate place to link to for the Mastodon instance
#LoqiNaming is hard, yes, even, especially for a personal site since you have to pick both a name you like as a representation of yourself, and one that hasn’t been already taken, though sometimes you can ask nicely (or pay a lot) for domains that are registered but unused https://indieweb.org/naming
#[chrisaldrich]Anyone have suggestions about what to name a Micropub "client" that consists of a workflow that takes handwriting, converts it to text via OCR and pots it to my website?
#[chrisaldrich]Pantographer has a close meaning that might be adapted
#[KevinMarks]that's more of an image thing, amanuensis is about words
#[chrisaldrich]and in some sense amanuensis is about the handling of my words on my behalf (despite that I write them myself rather than dictation)... barring any other great ideas, I think I'll go with that at present. kevinmarks++
#Loqikevinmarks has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
#[tangerinelabor]↩️ Thank you! I want to get familiar with the folk at indieweb. I set up my blog for syndicating on micro.blog but that was a long time ago.
#[tangerinelabor]↩️ I wonder what is a good event or way to meaningfully interact with others here or elsewhere.
#capjamesg[d]Feel free to ask any questions you have in this chat! There are also regular Homebrew Website Club group chats where you can chat with other community members on a call. You can find these events on https://events.IndieWeb.org
#capjamesg[d]Events usually happen every two weeks on Wednesdays. There are also infrequent ones at other times / days.
#capjamesg[d]Do you have a goal in mind with your site or do you want to explore what is possible?
#[tangerinelabor]I plan to attend the next meeting just to introduce myself to others, but i have a pretty busy week. Maybe on the next one.