#indieweb 2021-12-12

2021-12-12 UTC
n8chz, Seirdy and RIZY101[d] joined the channel
What is Mastodon
Mastodon is an open source social network project that supports some IndieWeb building blocks like microformats2 & rel-me, and has a federation of many instances, including https://indieweb.social/ for IndieWeb fans https://indieweb.org/Mastodon
[timothy_chambe] ^ that seems like the appropriate place to link to for the Mastodon instance
[chrisaldrich] and jgee joined the channel
What is naming?
Naming is hard, yes, even, especially for a personal site since you have to pick both a name you like as a representation of yourself, and one that hasn’t been already taken, though sometimes you can ask nicely (or pay a lot) for domains that are registered but unused https://indieweb.org/naming
Anyone have suggestions about what to name a Micropub "client" that consists of a workflow that takes handwriting, converts it to text via OCR and pots it to my website?
OwnYourHandwriting? 😉
Newton returns
Autopen? or is that too confusing with respect to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autopen
[KevinMarks] 🙂
Oh, good one...
I always wanted one of those...
Pantographer has a close meaning that might be adapted
that's more of an image thing, amanuensis is about words
and in some sense amanuensis is about the handling of my words on my behalf (despite that I write them myself rather than dictation)... barring any other great ideas, I think I'll go with that at present. kevinmarks++
kevinmarks has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
schmudde joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] ScratchPub
So many good options... who said naming was hard? Maybe it's only for spaces that are already full of ideas and implementations?
Are you naming it for you own use or for appeal to others?
your* own use
Just for myself.
But appealing to myself is the first priority.
KartikPrabhu, [jeremycherfas] and [tangerinelabor] joined the channel
Hello and welcome.
↩️ Thank you! I want to get familiar with the folk at indieweb. I set up my blog for syndicating on micro.blog but that was a long time ago.
↩️ I wonder what is a good event or way to meaningfully interact with others here or elsewhere.
Feel free to ask any questions you have in this chat! There are also regular Homebrew Website Club group chats where you can chat with other community members on a call. You can find these events on https://events.IndieWeb.org
Events usually happen every two weeks on Wednesdays. There are also infrequent ones at other times / days.
Do you have a goal in mind with your site or do you want to explore what is possible?
I plan to attend the next meeting just to introduce myself to others, but i have a pretty busy week. Maybe on the next one.
[chrisaldrich] HandNote
Hand It Over
The Pen is Mightier Than the Keyboard
Avengers Pengame
Ursula Le Penguin
Ok stopping now
justSleigh joined the channel
doubleloop[m] has 3 karma over the last year
Amazing names!
Oclair, Murray[d], [Sam_Butler], tetov-irc, mlncn, iama_hooman[d], Mysterio_Meezy[d, schmudde, Ruxton, yewscion, [snarfed] and maxwelljoslyn[d] joined the channel
Sometimes naming is easy? Now we've got names for others when they build clients. Thanks doubleloop[m]!
_inky, P1000[d], KartikPrabhu and mlncn joined the channel
@chrisaldrich Pen To Post
tracydurnell[d]: Sounds like Farm to Table
Tracydurnell[d]++ that's brilliant
Tracydurnell[d] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
[dmitshur], [tangerinelabor] and n8chz joined the channel
barryf[d], sarahd[d], tetov-irc, KartikPrabhu, schmudde and mlncn joined the channel