#indieweb 2021-12-14

2021-12-14 UTC
mlncn_, n8chz and jeremycherfas joined the channel
what is indiebookclub
indiebookclub is an app for posting books you are reading to your website using Micropub https://indieweb.org/indiebookclub
who else is planning a shift from @goodreads to @thestorygraph in the coming year? Eh, @readandbreathe ?
what is The StoryGraph
It looks like we don't have a page for "The StoryGraph" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "The StoryGraph is ____", a sentence describing the term)
bluesky people finally announced the results of their satellite contest, we got an honorable mention: https://blueskyweb.org/satellite
"Several people submitted well-thought out IndieWeb solutions. I’d like to highlight them here, because although they didn’t meet the criteria for originality and decentralization for the contest, they were well-written responses." 🤷
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
wow, that's a different kind of shade
a hazy shade of blue
jeremycherfas joined the channel
snarfed++ for trying
snarfed has 30 karma in this channel over the last year (68 in all channels)
snarfed, re: "didn't meet the criteria for originality", OTOH the 2nd place winner description noted "the practical implementation of an existing decentralized id standard" so .... huh?
that being said, there were some interesting privacy features in the other winners/submissions that are worth looking at
enoch joined the channel
you could link to an archive.org copy of your twitter page that has a rel=me link back
KartikPrabhu and enoch joined the channel
Hi IndieWeb! Let's imagine that I want to come to Wednesday's HWC but need to participate muted only. What's the best way to do that? Wave in Zoom & leave notes in Etherpad? Pop in here? I want to try to come but don't want to risk waking my kid with my voice.
enoch joined the channel
an old enough twitter page has mf1 with hcards for the people you follow as well as xfn
kimberlyhirsh[d]: Chat and ether pad is fine
gRegor and sennomo joined the channel
tantek, I haven't heard of https://thestorygraph.com/ before but on first blush it looks like yet-another-silo. Kevin Smokler (@weegee) is an old friend of mine from college though and definitely a tastemaker in the online book space. I'll give him a nudge.
If tomcritchlow is lurking here, I wonder if he's seen/heard of it?
angelo joined the channel
snarfed has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (69 in all channels)
At least we got a mention, although I don't think originality should matter as much as core functionality.
Nevertheless, thank you [snarfed] for submitting the proposal (and to anyone else who done the same!).
gRegor, neocow, jgee1, Bitweasil-, aranjedeath, wrmilling_alt, raucao_, Oclair_, gerben_, tetov-irc2, bneil1, mikeputnam1, KartikPrabhu, mlncn_, [Sam_Butler], timdream and joshproehl joined the channel
I've used The StoryGraph. It is, indeed, a silo. Its most distinctive feature, in my opinion, is its reports on your reading by genre, page length, and mood. I've been manually POSSEing over there occasionally.
Literal.club is another silo in the bookish space. It's gotten a lot of traction with Micro.blog users.
I haven't tried that one.
Litsy is an older one that is mostly photo-based. BookSloth is another relatively new one.
Going to make a note to myself in my itches to wikify these and any other things billing themselves as Goodreads alternatives, as well as the bookshelves feature Manton added to micro.blog.
tetov-irc, _inky, schmudde, wagle and mlncn_ joined the channel
kimberlyhirsch[d] that would be some great wikification! Would definitely count as gifts for the IndieWeb Gift Calendar
Is openlibrary.org a silo in this sense too?
depends, it could also be a /commons depends on how it treats content, logins etc.
what is a commons
A commons is a centralized web content hosting site, where users are able to freely contribute content, and easily retrieve it, typically each others' content as well https://indieweb.org/commons
that dfn could use some tightening up to better distinguish /commons from /silos, however see the points on that page that draw a pretty stark difference
I think it would qualify by that definition
Archive.org generally would too
n8chz, _inky, mlncn_ and Darius_Dunlap[d] joined the channel
tantek, don't know how much I'll get done in the calendar time period but it's on my list.
Ramon[d] joined the channel
[schmarty], Nuve, Nuve2, _inky and sayanarijit[d] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] you might like this post: https://daily.tinyprojects.dev/paper_website
What is a paper website?
It looks like we don't have a page for "paper website" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "paper website is ____", a sentence describing the term)
A paper website is a website that has been written on paper and transcribed to a web page or a printed version of a website.
I will flesh out the page tomorrow.
ok, I added "https://daily.tinyprojects.dev/paper_website" to a brand new "See Also" section of /paper_website https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78345&oldid=78344
Can you add a link to a wiki page with Loqi?
I’d like to link to the printed website page in the see also section.
But I’m on mobile.
you can add any wikitext with that command
_inky and barryf[d] joined the channel
I feel like Jeff Bridges has had a website that was basically him dashing off notes on paper for a very long time.
BrittSSLLC, boxframes and gRegor joined the channel
Thanks capjamesg[d]. That website was in part what prompted me to start my work on "handwriting" my website.
What is handwriting?
Handwriting is a great, tactile, time-tested method for creating content, so who wouldn't want to use it as part of a user interface for posting to one's personal website? https://indieweb.org/handwriting
what is Pen to Post?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Pen to Post" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Pen to Post is ____", a sentence describing the term)
capjamesg[d] that ^^ page may be a place to concatenate things to. I'm sure there are other "aliases" for the idea and related ideas as well.
oh, that seems really neat..
chrisaldrich: do you have an efficient way to do it?
I do remember that Alton Brown's first months (years) of twitter https://twitter.com/altonbrown were him writing his tweets on post it notes and posting the photos instead of writing.
BrittSSLLC, that /handwriting page has an outline of what I'm doing with a few reasonable links with other details
oh neat
marksuth[d] joined the channel
I've got a couple ideas that may not be in development
but it's really a different purpose
I like the premise of your project
Created /StoryGraph if anyone wants to expand based on their experience. It's new to me as of the other day.
I'm trying to think of something with my personal developement site that could bring me income, even if it's a new fairly easy to product offering
Here's a good example of an Alton Brown handwritten/photo tweet: https://twitter.com/altonbrown/status/282329664607883266
I hope everyone has a nice day
what is business?
IndieWeb for business is the use of an indieweb site or section thereof for business purposes, to post professional products or services, announcements, reminders, and generally interact with business clients, instead of social media silo posts and pages https://indieweb.org/business
BrittSSLLC, you might find some ideas/inspiration there ^^, or add your thoughts as a brainstorming section?
raghavgururajan joined the channel
What is monetization?
schmudde joined the channel
What is monetization
business models are ways to offer indieweb products and or services that users pay for both for their own benefit, and in support an open indie web https://indieweb.org/monetization
[jeremycherfas], KartikPrabhu, tetov-irc and Mysterio_Meezy[d joined the channel