Ivy_Alpha[d], KartikPrabhu1, KartikPrabhu, edburns[d], nertzy, _inky, Seirdy, gRegor, Guest64873, Guest5363 and [jeremyfelt] joined the channel; Guest64873 left the channel
@csuwildcat@schnarfed@haxor If your identifier is 1) costly to maintain, 2) can lapse due to inability to pay, 3) or can be unilaterally rug-pulled by a corp/gov, it's not really decentralized. Why should we encourage use of centralized identifiers when we now have uninterdictable decentralized identifiers? (twitter.com/_/status/1470958017717755906)
Loqipaper website is a website that has been written on paper and transcribed to a web page or a printed version of a website https://indieweb.org/paper_website
Zegnatvoxpelli: nothing that comes to mind. The closest would be the create & ship & create on /itches ? /make_what_you_need sorta replaces that page in our /principles. But as “Document your stuff” is a separate step from making, I do not think we have one page that covers it
voxpelliZegnat: was hoping for a good link to send to some colleagues, as I think the "document your stuff" is as crucial as the "scratch your own itch" – its the documentation that makes us build upon each others learnings and move forward as a community :P
Loqidocumentation is written text or audiovisual media that is used to describe or instruct how something works, for example how to get started on the IndieWeb, or how to install a particular piece of open source software to use on your personal website, and documenting what you create is one of several IndieWeb principles https://indieweb.org/documentation
Zegnathttp://microformats.org/wiki/process includes many of the ideas and overlap with the pattern. But is pretty spec specific. But does make sure to mention documenting things all the way through, including writing down what you want to accomplish before implementing anything
voxpelliI believe the indieweb principles grew out of that, but seems to be lacking the https://microformats.org/wiki/reuse part? And the reuse part is one side of a coin where "document" is the other
voxpelliThe only way to "reuse" "widely adopted standards" is to have people document what they use so that one can find a pattern and conclude that a standard has become widely adopted (like eg. webmention)
ZegnatI wonder if reuse should not also be an indieweb principle. That could be an interesting discussion. The current principles can sometimes read as if you have to do all the work yourself, but when we talk to people about owning their own online data we will often tell them to (re)use the WP plugins, micro.blog, or some other already existing thing.
ZegnatI think it is the fine line between the community not wanting to bog anyone down, just have fun and make what you want for your homepage, and then the way of thinking of a core group of developers who would like to work to drive the /building-blocks forward.
[KevinMarks]“Design is the process of trying to address a problem with a new feature. Standardisation is the process of documenting consensus.” says alex
[KevinMarks]An mf example is we used name, summary, content, url, photo broadly across formats rather than, say, using title, description, article, link, picture
selectric401, eco, _inky, n8chz, schmudde, gRegor and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[tantek]whereas what [chrisaldrich] asked about (/commitments) was more ontopic for #indieweb (though could get stray into dev territory if folks get into plumbing)