#indieweb 2022-01-01

2022-01-01 UTC
n8chz1, n8chz, cygnoir[d], edburns[d], benji, sarahd[d], schmudde and IntriguedWow[d] joined the channel
Happy New Year everyone (well almost, still waiting on Hawaii)
tetov-irc, Christian_Olivie, capablecable[d] and vj-- joined the channel
j #indieweb-dev
vj--, rvalue and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
@github "Well-maintained READMes, guides, and repos can result in as much as a 50% increase in productivity. Meanwhile, automation was found to contribute as much as 43% to improvements in productivity within proprietary dev environments and 27% in OSS projects." https://octoverse.github.com/
schmudde, P1000[d] and Murray[d] joined the channel
Bridgy's 10 year anniversary is in a week, 1/8! any ideas on what we/I should do to celebrate?
A birthday theme?
A cake? And balloons!
hah, maybe!
[snarfed]: A new surprise feature?
unlikely, but not impossible
like what?
you magically make instagram posse possible?
I don't know. Something simple, but impactful
Sadale joined the channel
PRs welcome! :troll:
[snarfed]: I don't know python
Sadale joined the channel
great motivation to learn! it's pretty easy
Moosadee joined the channel
Has there been any work to advance that idea lately ^
I have written a script to replace broken links on my site with an archive.org version. But wondered what an IndieWeb community project would look like 🙂
Happy New Year IndieWeb friends! 🎉
wiki-page << http://wiki.c2.com/?PersonalWiki has a list of a variety of wiki products and services for creating a personal wiki
ok, I added "http://wiki.c2.com/?PersonalWiki has a list of a variety of wiki products and services for creating a personal wiki" to the "See Also" section of /wiki-page https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78839&oldid=78108
raises my cup of coffee ☕ to zerojames[d]
Why thank you!
To celebrate the new year, I got jamesg.coffee.
Which will only redirect to my site for now 🙂
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Sounds on brand. Maybe something you could point to an archive page for things you've tagged with coffee?
n8chz1, kimberlyhirsh[d], schmudde, Sadale, Seb[d] and tetov-irc joined the channel