#indieweb 2021-12-31

2021-12-31 UTC
test joined the channel
what is make what you need?
Make what you need is an IndieWeb principle that helps creators focus on creating & publishing things prioritized by what they need & want for their own personal site https://indieweb.org/make_what_you_need
make what you need << Brainstorming: there's a pathway from "make what you need" to "make what you & your close ones need" to "make what you & your community(s) need" that would be worth documenting / exploring.
ok, I added "Brainstorming: there's a pathway from "make what you need" to "make what you & your close ones need" to "make what you & your community(s) need" that would be worth documenting / exploring." to the "See Also" section of /make_what_you_need https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78821&oldid=77942
^ edgeduchess[d] feel free to expand upon the rough thoughts in this brainstorming: https://indieweb.org/make_what_you_need#Expand_from_you_to_others
Seirdy, _inky, schmudde, darkkirb, silberfuchs, Myst[d], gRegor, benji, Jad and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Credits Jag Bhalla is an entrepreneur and writer. Economics and evolution are basically in the same business: Both are all about productivity selection, though one has been at it for billions of years longer than the other. Both involve...
_inky, balupton[d], tetov-irc, ehmry, KartikPrabhu and [tonz] joined the channel
↩️ That's what I dubbed networked agency a while ago: which tools and methods are within control and scope of the social group addressing a mutual problem
KartikPrabhu, sayanarijit[d], omz13, jgee, n8chz, schmudde, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and chenghiz_ joined the channel
a little while ago carrd.co was mentioned here as a simple tool for people to make single page sites where the focus is on creativity. I'm also aware of the boom neocities are experiencing, and I vividly remember tools like frontpage. However: are there any current tools that would allow people to make simple, but creative sites, but produces static sites that are, at least theoretically, portable?
I know about https://pinegrow.com/ but that is certainly not simple
*simple enough
what is linktree
Linktree is a link in bio service for publishing a flat list of links at a short vanity path (like Twitter and other social media silos) for what appears to be for the sole purpose of seeming to provide multiple links from social media profiles like Instagram which only allow one clickable link in your profile https://indieweb.org/Linktree
surprised carrd isnt already on there
what is link in bio
link in bio is a common expression on silos like Instagram which disallow linking from posts, directing viewers to the respective social media profile which usually allows at least one link, increasingly used to link to a link-in-bio service providing a flat list of links at a short vanity path https://indieweb.org/link_in_bio
What is HTML5 UP?
It looks like we don't have a page for "HTML5 UP" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "HTML5 UP is ____", a sentence describing the term)
petermolnar https://html5up.net/ is reasonably simple with lots of templates for a baseline of creativity, but also allows people to customize while getting their feet wet with relatively low level web design.
these are designs, not an editor
the whole point is not pre-made templates, let people do their thing
[chrisaldrich], petermolnar: would you mind moving this conversation (templates) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
I would, actually :P
I specifically didn't use the H-word or the C-word as I was describing things... gimme a break Loqi. 🙂
Sometimes template designs can be useful if people (especially beginners) know that they'll "work" and then they can modify to their hearts' content. I suppose it does depend on what the use case and end goals are though.
If a neocities design pattern is what you're after, these are not the starting point, but it would be interesting to have such designs for a neocities pattern or the fandom-esque designs that edgeduchess[d] has mentioned this past week. Designs to meet different groups of people where they're at in some sense.
schmudde joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: oh my god please yes
(the design patterns for neocities)
people would be much more comfortable tweaking html than doing it from scratch
you'd think doing things from scratch would encourage them to learn, but it just discourages people
A lot of the early blogosphere was people seeing what others did and then figuring out how to do that (often with modifications) for themselves. Having an easy place to start is one of the keys to success.
zonelets is a _liiiittle_ bit like this https://zonelets.net/index.html
(pre-prepped chunks designed to be copied and pasted and the details filled in)
As an example one of my favorite part of our iterations of social readers is that in addition to somewhat different functionality each offers, they also offer a different design pattern that is likely to draw different types of users. Micro.blog's reader is different from https://monocle.p3k.io which is different from IndiePass (fka /Indigenous), which are dramatically different from https://alltogethernow.io/
Of course it would be cool to see some of these to allow different themes/skins for different audience uses.
I haven't explored the technology enough to know how complicated the implementation of these are
I feel like if the backend were made simple to bring up, skinning the frontend for different use cases should be doable
edgeduchess[d]: we try to keep dev talk (implementation, backend, frontend) out of this channel, can you move to #indieweb-dev?
edgeduchess[d], all these tools are stand alone readers that you can log into with your site. So once you're set up to use one, you can easily switch between them and use whichever you feel like on a given day. So on a more whimsical day you might go with Together and on a more buttoned up day you could use Monocle.
i meant more to create an interface that others could use
for example, say i wanted to integrate a similar functionality in my own social website, skinned for the people that usually use it
I don't know how hard that would be to re-create
As a business, I wouldn't be surprised to see a platform like micro.blog franchise its tech stack to a variety of sub-communities (perhaps fandom?) so that the admin tax portion could be decoupled from the community management/tummeling portion and each community could have a design ethic that suits its users best.
yeah that's one of my hunches for how one could effectively build a good business on this stuff
it'd also help with having the technology themselves gain popularity
if more social websites, built with their own niches in mind, could easily implemented them
Some of these readers are open source as I recall edgeduchess[d], so I expect one could download and run them with a different design esthetic suitable for a particular audience. It could be cool to see a New Yorker themed social reader, as an example, for those who like their esthetic.
that's really nice to hear, as I said, I don't know much about these technical details yet 🙂
one of the new year goal is to move towards implementing more on them
and of course learning them beforehand
edgeduchess[d] I did a short video demo of some of this for an education conference earlier this year. I'm rushing out, but I'll drop a link to it later today. That overview may help you frame what is going on.
please do!
thank you so much
Seirdy, frittro, doosboox8, aranjedeath_, eco_, tetov-irc, [tw2113_Slack_], IWSlackGateway, selectric, silberfuchs, GWG, test, feoh, joshproehl and jjuran joined the channel