#indieweb 2021-12-30

2021-12-30 UTC
wow the Tumblr tag block list is looooooong
Tumblr << Criticism: very long list of tags which will block your posts from their iOS app, and note of a workaround: adding a "." (period) will bypass the block (for now 2021-363) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YG7E84Dvs2PyoKMgSgZFgEX0Kh0RtJqsazZsyVGY8dk/mobilebasic (see also: https://techcrunch.com/2021/12/29/tumblr-ios-tags-ban-apple/ https://www.theverge.com/2021/12/28/22856734/tumblr-censor-tags-ios-apple-guidelines)
ok, I added "Criticism: very long list of tags which will block your posts from their iOS app, and note of a workaround: adding a "." (period) will bypass the block (for now 2021-363) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YG7E84Dvs2PyoKMgSgZFgEX0Kh0RtJqsazZsyVGY8dk/mobilebasic (see also: https://techcrunch.com/2021/12/29/tumblr-ios-tags-ban-apple/ https://www.theverge.com/2021/12/28/22856734/tumblr-censor-tags-ios-apple-guidelines)" to the "See Also" section of /Tumblr https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78793&oldid=78685
n8chz joined the channel
I feel edgeduchess[d] and petermolnar may be interested in that Google Doc (unless they're already seen it).
I mean wow. "about" is banned but not "meta". "acid" is but not "base". "DOM" but not "HTML" nor "Javascript". "body" but not "head". "sub" but not "sup" nor "sandwich". "big" but not "small". "thigh" but not "leg" nor "wing". "razor" but not "blade". "obey" but not "disobey". "edge" but not "vertex". "back" but not "front". "high" but not "low". "hot" but not "cold". "wet" but not "dry". "cut" is banned but not "paste".
i mean
isn't the endgame here for fanfic (and other) communities to repurpose alt right (in ban list) or "conservative" terms as euphemisms, achieving either dismantling through mockery, or causing bans of those terms to collateral damage banning of "conservative" posts, thus provoking an / expanding the outcry about "conservatives" being banned, thus causing questioning of the banning tags approach in the first place?
or is that too many dominoes?
Tumblr users tend not to be interested in banning of terms as much as people (aka "ban the nazis and bots")
selectric, schmudde and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[tantek]: yes, it's all my tumblr dashboard has been talking about for days
nekr0z and PeterMolnar[m] joined the channel
as I said, the signals that tumblr's public is ripe for owning their own blogs continue
hepphepp[d], sayanarijit[d], KartikPrabhu1 and schmudde joined the channel
Unfortunately tumblr users are generally extremely resistant to the idea of having to do any sort of setup of things, regardless of how straightforward it is.
Every time there's an iteration of this I go into indieweb evangelism mode and at most I'll get like two likes and no reblogs.
There's a few attitude things that always get in the way. Like a hesitancy to pay money, not wanting to make one's own technical decisions, and a HUGE amount of inertia/nostalgia that causes them to decide it's too much work to go elsewhere.
Most tumblr users these days pride themselves on how horrible and dysfunctional tumblr is and are even kind of there BECAUSE it's garbage.
And they aren't there to post meaningful content, they're there to reblog weird memes.
Most of the folks I know who have given up on tumblr go to mastodon instead. They really like the dashboard concept and the fast reblogs and replies.
> And they aren't there to post meaningful content, they're there to reblog weird memes
This. So far every single tumblr user who posts meaningful content seemed to have off-tumblr pages as well (artstation, own page, etc), though some are using tumblr with their own domain, which is an incredibly bad choice imo.
the tragedy of tumblr is it's unique way of commenting-with-a-reblog
rvalue, kushwah_raj[d], tetov-irc, juanchipro[m], caro401_she_her_, Nuve, _inky and schmudde joined the channel
If you're making 2022 resolutions, let "Publish my content on my own site" be one of them? And "Provide an RSS feed for my blog/content" be another? I feel much more inclined to share links to articles on personal blogs than those published on large publications.
rvalue, KartikPrabhu, zerojames[d] and n8chz joined the channel
re tumblr: I'm not sure if in this case tumblr had a choice, so the real problem is either the content itself on the platform, or Apple for requiring such filtering.
platforms are evil! /s
Agnessa[d] joined the channel
Interesting thing I noticed on twitter... someone QT's a tweet from a public account, then the QT'd account makes their account private. The QT shows the content still, but the attached video doesn't play
n8chz joined the channel
Does anyone keep a private archive for their bookmarks / likes / whatever with stored HTML?
Or, rather, stored full text?
I was thinking this would be an interesting use case for testing the search index I am working on.
But wondered if there is prior art to look at.
I haven’t used a hosted bookmark service so I wonder how their searches work.
What is a bookmark?
A bookmark (or linkblog) is a post that is primarily comprised of a URL, often title text from that URL, sometimes optional text describing, tagging, or quoting from its contents https://indieweb.org/bookmark
What is IndieWeb?
The IndieWeb is a community of individual personal websites, connected by simple standards, based on the principles of owning your domain, using it as your primary identity, to publish on your own site (optionally syndicate elsewhere), and own your data https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb
gRegor and schmudde joined the channel
petermolnar: it was a little bit of both, apple tightening the screws on tumblr for years, and the nature of ad-based businesses being liable to who pays the bills and those people not wanting their ads next to anything that might be nsfw
The thing is that Tumblr users, as a whole, kind of pride themselves on being un-monetizable
there’s outright celebrations there about how weird and useless the ads have gotten and around how much money Verizon lost on the site
and a huge level of distrust of any tech company that would own Tumblr, including Automattic who they see as being a “big company,” plus a lot of willful ignorance about how software works
people not understanding how software works is not at all unique to tumblr :)
[fluffy]: all the indieweb evangelism i've seen, as well as the mastodon evangelism i've seen, has generally been low quality and ignoring most of the reasons people use tumblr for and the type of public they are
"tumblr users don't want to maintain their own technical stuff" as is their right, that's not the public they are
it doesn't mean that they can't be onboarded in a ecosystem that uses open protocols
Yeah. The problem is that we have long-term ideals but most users are happy in their local minimum.
it's not true though
they aren't happy
pillowfort sucks ass but people went there cause they aren't happy
Okay, they’re settled in the local minimum
so many tumblr users moved to twitter and bemoan it
yeah and then pillowfort was a miserable failure
*dreamwidth* is having a resurgence
pillowfort was made by someone who was straight out of a coding bootcamp, and totally ill managed
Of all of the established platforms, dreamwidth seems like the most likely to be amenable to adding in indieweb integration
yeah, but people are going there cause they're *desperate*
it doesn't work for them
and there's the possibility of giving them a solution that actually does
I know they’ve considered adding IndieAuth in the past, and I’d love to see them add ticketauth as well. they’re probably the best-positioned silo for making it useful.
DW is in maintainance mode because a) it's old-ass technology b) the owner is disabled and going through a lot of health stuff
it's bloated and cannot move at a pace that can sustain most of the tumblr public
but tumblr's public is not *happy*
it's supremely unhappy
and it's extremely displace
One of my original goals for Publ was to make an easy-to-spin-up Tumblr-like experience, although my design drifted from that.
I talk with the tumblr public every day and i've had people say "at this point i'm ok yelling in the void i just want a blog that's mine"
are they going to self host it? not likely
i mean imagine not being a developer
yeah and I keep on telling people about wordpress.com and blogger which seem like okay ways to do that
like having an easy-to-run blog, I mean
have you tried looking at the state of getting into webdev? it scares and overwhelms people
no, they absolutely suck
no one likes them
people can say they "just want a blog" but if there's no way to get a firehose of content to them they are much less likely to stick around
I also mention micro.blog to people but they don’t want to spend $5/month for something so limited with the promise of it getting better
+1 re getting into web dev.
I can only imagine that getting more complicated now that blockchain is here.
stevestreza: it's not a firehose of content, it's a *community*
blockchain shouldn’t have anything to do with it
zerojames[d] [fluffy]: it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (blockchain)
it's very different
it extremely isn’t, loqi
and you can onboard communities, if you're smart about it and plan
but a lot of it is "build it and they will come"
fluffy indeed. But if you are new to coding and hear about blockchain and NFTs and “web 3.0” it’s more noise.
most people that are into indie stuff are not great at product-building stuff, and it shows
but instead of getting better, we blame people we fail to serve
it's both, but the least important piece is the software engineering, as long as it is stable
yeah I mean I agree with what you’re saying and also really am sensitive to the needs of folks who don’t want to learn all the fiddly tech stuff just to spin up a blog
for a long time Tumblr was what I recommended for that
I agree.
becuase like, while it wasn’t a great experience, at least it gave a lot of people most of what they needed
I think micro.blog is cool in this regard.
well, aside from the ability to subscribe to stuff that isn’t on Tumblr
when Automattic bought out Tumblr they were talking about trying to unify the platforms or at least make Tumblr more open but nothing seems to have come of that
micro.blog is not going to appeal to a tumblr public ever
not with this homepage
yeah I mean having such a focus on “microblogging” is detrimental.
vs even
Indeed. Tumblr’s messaging is on point.
and yeah these things need to focus on what they enable, not how they work
It abstracts away from any technicalities / semantics.
they need marketing
and they are marketing
they're just marketing to a different public
That tumblr home page has largely looked that way for like 6+ years too, because it works
Function / expression / community > plumbing.
mastodon is vaguely better about the messaging although their messaging is still a bit too tech-focused, and a lot of folks just get really confused when it comes to choosing an instance
there's no service based on open principle whose marketing appeals to tumblr people
and the ones that have been tried are just bad
Yeah. I am still largely confused by mastodon and don’t have an incentive to try it out further.
plus, the Mastodon experience isn’t necessarily great. http://beesbuzz.biz/blog/12455-Indieweb-vs-Fediverse
mastodon is too confusing for people, and its UI is also bad for a tumblr public
Love that piece fluffy.
zerojames[d]: likewise, and if i am, imagine people
Mastodon’s UX tries too hard to be Twitter++ and I am adding more words so that Loqi doesn’t think I’m giving karma to Twitter
Yeah UI is a big deal. You can get the functions right but what matters is how people feel about using what you make.
there are some more bloggy-oriented Mastodon instances but the UX is still fundamentally Twitter-esque
write.as tries to be more fediverse-based blogging stuff and it focuses very specifically on the writing side of things, which is great for authors, not so great for memers/shitposters/community
all of that
like I guess write.as’s closest analog is Medium
there is no good tumblr replacement out there
the thing edgeduchess[d] said about onboarding communities is spot on though
(I've been thinking about this exact problems for 2+ years now FWIW)
well yeah, my initial designs for Publ-as-Tumblr-like go back well over a decade at this point. Tumblr is less a success and more an emergent accident.
(like my backstory is specifically that when tumblr banned porn i decided to figure out how to get people something better, and while i've focused on online communities until now bc reasons, I've studied a lot the blogging side of things0
even if you can completely replicate the tumblr UX, you still run into the issue of porting the community over
you just go fandom by fandom
no Tumblr's success was definitely not an accident, they found the niche and leaned into it and the communities behind it
you import networks, not the community
building on niches is how it's done
i think i did write about this
I feel like reddit’s kind of replaced tumblr for me these days
I still check tumblr every day but reddit is where I hang out for specific niches
but reddit can also be a very toxic and frustrating place
(thena gain so can tumblr)
tumblr is so frustrating most people have moved to *discord* to escape it
that's a whole other thing
anyway, gotta run to therapy, will be back in a hour
tumblr invests (or at least invested when i was there) a ton into things like comic con and fashion week, which techies generally would consider a waste of time, because it's content for the niches they serve well
Oh you worked there? Did you overlap with Thel Seraphim any?
(totally off-topic, just you know, one of those “hey we know someone in common” things)
Yeah 2015-2020, not sure what that was
(well maybe)
Ah, I forget when she left TUmblr, and I haven’t been in touch with her in a while
One thing that mastodon has succeeded at demonstrating is that instance hosting and management can be deferred to a handful of deeply technical sysadmins, and there ends up being a large community of people who benefit from that
Through not having to set up hosting or figuring out wtf DNS is
[snarfed] joined the channel
stevestreza has 1 karma over the last year
modern hosting providers have started integrating DNS with domain registration, which largely fixes/hides that part - eg [manton] is doing great work there - but still, community sysadmins is definitely an interesting development
kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
It's still a mile of difference between the smooth and simple onboarding process at any reasonably run social network
https://i.haza.website does the DNS stuff too, if you register a new domain through them (via name.com)
jjuran joined the channel
stevestreza: yeah so my take on that is that you actually need to put it one level up
so for example boba is organized so that the software can be hosted and people can make communities on it
so rather than being like mastodon where if you want to make a community you need to find someone that can sysadmin it, the sysadmin part is on the platform manager and there can be multiple platforms ran by multiple people
because really most communities do not have *anyone* that wants to deal with the sysadmin part
Hosted Known was a good on boarding, and a fairly tumblr like usage, but no reader
no reader you mean "no tumblr-like dashboard"?
yeah a thing that makes Tumblr so easy to get into is that the reader and posting interface are one and the same
the dash experience is actually important
it doesn't even have to be the same software but it needs to feel seamless
Yeah. And the tight integration between reading and reblogging is a huge part of what makes Tumblr “work”
So like my biggest hurdle with indieweb stuff, software aside is like
let's assume i set up everything
now what?
how do i follow people? tags?
in which topics is there actual movement?
how do I start finding a list of "friends"?
if I write a thing, and no one replies, it makes it way less likely i'll write something else
I have been thinking about how to merge my Micropub and Microsub experiences.
if there are good answers to this, they aren't immediately evident for me by looking into the space
I already send likes from my reader. I love the one-click interaction.
and i'm highly invested
I feel like that’s a question with any new social platform though. Like typically you get into the platform because you know someone on it and want to follow them, and then you see their stuff and then you see when they refer to stuff posted by someone else, which gives you more folks to follow.
The fewer clicks it takes me to react / comment on something, the better.
friendly reminder zerojames[d], we try to keep jargon (Micropub, Microsub, React) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
That is a good call if we continue the discussion on implementation.
[fluffy]: partly yes, but not always
like even if i'd be ok with no network of my own, i woudln't know where to start to evaluate whether there is pre-existing action
and which shape it takes
With regard to following, this is definitely something I want to dive deeper into. My feed reader feels clunky and not very community driven because I haven’t quite figured out how to present information.
the feeling overall is that doing anything on a platform that's not social is shouting into the void with no hope of interaction
zerojames[d]: I would love to help with this stuff
To dev re: implementation. The rest of this is definitely for this channel 🙂
for quite some time now I’ve had ideas about how to build a feed reader in the way I want it to work but I’ve never had the bandwidth or motivation to actually work on it, especially when Feed on Feeds still works Good Enough for me.
as I said, I think there's space for actual successful products in this space
but nothing out there supports the privacy extensions that many of us have been trying to bootstrap for ages now.
which come with their own problems, but would help giving people a focus, a roadmap and the possibility of actually doing it long term
yeah like I know how I’d build something Tumblr-like on IndieWeb protocols, but I’m not particularly motivated to build that myself.
I would love help figuring out the technical side cause i'm fairly set on slowly building it up
The aperture/monocle model is good but it has a lot of setup and the "finding feeds" part is still tricky
IMO the ideal setup would be something where it comes “out of the box” preconfigured with a default experience but then would allow folks to swap in components as they see fit.
edgeduchess[d] by boba do you mean boba.network?
just yesterday we were talking here with Zegnat on how to get people to comment (not just on silos, anywhere). He mentioned that this might be a mindset issue, that people browsing content in "consume mode". So: is this, or is this not a problem on tumblr? If not, what might be different? Because the integration of reacting/commenting/posting is similar on many silo.
stevestreza: https://v0.boba.social/
beware NSFW and other stuff
the general product info is at: https://www.bobaboard.com/, that's the v0 community
[fluffy]: yes!!
petermolnar: whispertags are the way tumblr accidentally solved this, which is funnt
ugh can't find the paper on them quickly, i should probably write an article
what is whispertags
It looks like we don't have a page for "whispertags" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "whispertags is ____", a sentence describing the term)
the art on that product page is just… incredible for anyone who has been involved in fandom online spaces for more than a few years
let me get an example from boba
stevestreza: that's why one should build for the public they know, you can speak to them using their language in a way no big corp can ever emulate
the tags at the bottom are whispertags
tags that are used to chat, not as part of the post
people on tumblr add them to reblogs when they feel like what they have to say is not important enough to contribute to the conversation but still want to get their thoughts out
it's a lower pressure way to comment, and it works pretty well and part of what makes tumblr unique
some from a reblog of a post i made recently on tumblr:
they also make the actual tag functionality on Tumblr next to useless
not really, tags on tumblr are still searchable, and nobody ends up searching for the whisper tags
so... others add tags?
yeah what steve say
but also
i actually did solve this problem on boba by only making tags prefixed with # searchable
TUmblr’s search is kind of a joke in general, really
ok, can someone please define what "whisper tag" is?
seeing a UI isn't helping to be honest
edgeduchess[d]: it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (CDN)
edgeduchess[d]: define, with words, and text, please
what is wikify?
wikifying is the practice of capturing information and ideas on the wiki https://indieweb.org/wikify
edgeduchess[d]: this is the definition
a picture?
wait stuff might be getting lost in discord translation
let me just group the info together
what is whisper tag?
It looks like we don't have a page for "whisper tag" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "whisper tag is ____", a sentence describing the term)
now you can answer, saying "whisper tag is..." with a definition, and Loqi will record it in the wiki
then add the images as examples
(Threading, neither from Slack nor Discord, translates well to chats that are not threaded. So yes, context might have gone missing.)
whisper tags are tags that are used for chat rather than for categorization purposes, they originated on tumblr where people use them to comment on reblogs without polluting the original content. People also use them on their own posts to add side notes they feel provide context or add random thoughts. This is an example from bobaboard, which implements whispertags as an explicit type of tag:
whisper tag is text added to the footer of a post alongside traditional tags that is meant to be read as a form of creative writing expression connected to the post rather than as a tool for organization.
so basically it's attacing tags to the post from the comments
what steve said 😆
people perceive comments as invasive, especially on tumblr where they stay attached to the post when it's further reblogged
or they think they have nothing important to say and add
whisper tags provide a layer of indirection
imo that is the close sibling of custom reacji
I think I've mentioned this before, but I know many people who did follow people on tumblr explicitly not because of their content, but because their whispertags were great
whisper that << [[Reacji]]
ok, I added "[[Reacji]]" to a brand new "See Also" section of /whisper_tag https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78816&oldid=78815
I still don't see how these are different from oneliner comments
#imfunnyyeah is still a comment
I'm not saying they're different, i'm saying that's the way tumblr did low-pressure comments
How did Loqi get that? Autocorrect on iOS is annoying this evening.
tumblr users
they are comments
yes, tumblr user, not tumblr
but yeah they are comments, and their properties that lower the barrier to commenting
which is why way more people "whisper tag" than actually directly comment
tumblr now has what? 3 ways of writing comments?
you can 1) reblog with a comment 2) whisper tag 3) actually reply
replies, reblogs with comments, whisper tags
not to mention askbox stuff
also whisper tags are (ostensibly) only visible to people looking at the specific reblog, rather than it being part of the public conversation chain
although a lot of Tumblr users run xkit or similar, which makes all of the tags visible
which is why everyone had xkit to read them
now they are integrated in the tumblr UI cause FINALLY tumblr woke up on this
not as many people use xkit as you think
yeah, and I like the new note UI
i mean yes not as many people, but everyone in fandom 🙂
Why does something with a # lowers the bar compared to the same thing without it, when it's a "comment"?
the notes UI on the iOS app was one of my projects :)
i can't @ peter as far as I can tell, but it's because the person doesn't directly get notified on it
and also because it doesn't become part of the reblog chain
it's also not something they're *expected* to respond to
AND it doesn't matter whether the person thinks they have something valuable to add when they whispertag
when they comment they feel like they need to say *something* valuable
I see. So they do indeed serve the same purpose as custom reaction in, for example, slack
yeah, but they also serve different purposes
let me see if i can find a good example
this is a reblog on my post on some bobaboard features
"the reader and posting interface are one and the same" <-- literally one of the big advances of "social media" that the entire "RSS" and "Feed reader" world ignored, pretended to not matter, were ignorant about or all the above
what is a social reader?
A social reader is a modern interactive reader that allows you to directly respond to posts (with a like, comment, etc) right there inline with posts as you read them (as people do in social media), in contrast to legacy feed readers which were one-way read-only experiences and provided no mechanisms to interact with or respond to posts https://indieweb.org/social_reader
if you look at the tag, they are musings on the utility of the feature and express how the person feels about it
could they have just reblogged with a comment? sure, but the social expectations are different
they're just "musing" not seeking conversation
though the expectation is that if I do want to turn it into a conversation, which i could, I;d copy their tags onto a reblog and comment on them
hmm, whisper tags do sound a bit (in presentation) like marginalia
> they're just "musing" not seeking conversation - yeah, I see the lure of this, but personally I'm not on board with it. I *want* replies, I'm so tired of people adding funny reactions to posts.
the absence of notification makes sense, what's also interesting is that they lack their own permalink (they are part of the post / reblog), and they themselves can't be threaded in anyway — they're a flat set
petermolnar, why do you care if you never see said "funny reactions"?
because an action, no matter how small, will still eat the same energy away that could go into conversations (but this topic will soon become -chat)
that is true peter, but i think the two can coexist
I think it's ok to accept and encourage folks to spend their energy at whatever level they have / feel like on the spectrum for that moment.
FWIW people comment a lot on boba, because it's a better space for comments than tumblr
but they still whispertag too
they can all work together
it's just people do internet at different levels
edgeduchess[d], re: @-ing folks, most of the time if you "just" use their plain text name they'll get notified by their particular client, since many (most?) of us use clients that support keyword mentions, and add our own aliases as keywords
Most people are passive consumers of content, some subset of them will be willing to do passive interaction (liking or adding an emoji reaction), some subset of those will actually engage in some sort of dialogue, and some subset of those will actively create content
"conserve your energy" is kinda part of my view on the worlds, but at I said, this is becoming offtopic.
petermolnar, you choose how you want to present & encouragethe interactions on your site, and others can do the same
stevestreza that is well worded.
[tantek]: is that an explicit action though? cause people wanting to mention without notifying is also a big thing
people wanting to get notification of specific keywords is also a thing, and since you can't control people's personal choices about that, if they want extra notifications, they get them
oh yeah for sure
e.g. there's someone here whose computer (or maybe Android, or both?) will make a sound every time you mention WordPress (let's see if he speaks up 🙂 )
but both actions can exist
oh there's a whole topic here about how tumblr turned fandom into a mess when they started word-searching posts
as opposed to just tags searching
yes. you can intentionally @-someone (knowing that'll likely notify them), and also "just" mention them in cleartext, knowing that will only notify them if they've chosen to get "extra" notifications of that sort
"turned into a mess" = caused a spike in harassment and a worse experience for everyone
yeah that makes sense
yikes. that pathway of indexing+search -> harassment is definitely something to beware of
i think different mechanisms are great cause they all come with different expectations
my understanding is that's why there's no "Mastodon search engine"
yeah i can see that
i plan to get around it in boba by having different levels of tags
Even back in the “good old days” websearches led to plenty of harassment to me on my own blog.
[tantek]: do we have to say it 3 times? WordPress WordPress WordPress
And in my experience, closing comments on an entry which was contentious would always cause devoted harassers to just start posting comments on whatever entry they could find instead
so you can explicitly indicate what level of searchability you want (global/community/personal bookmark/content notice)
Which is why nowadays all of my comments are moderated.
I'm a bit slow, but ny my phone keeps beeping
But then thanks to brid.gy I get notified about shitty responses people made on, say, mastodon or reddit
\o/ the summoning was successful
ooh brid.gy is interesting
i'm going to explore it
I want to know what summons [tantek]
too many things GWG
edgeduchess[d], Bridgy has been *essential* for many (most?) of the folks here in moving off of platforms to focus on our own sites, *while* still being able to "stay in touch" with friends that are still on various platforms
I am always tweaking my notifications
this decoupling of "I want to own & control my stuff!" from "but where are my friends at?" is essential to breaking all those chicken/egg network effects barriers etc
The notifications thing is interesting, because it is also very different on a per-platform basis.
During most of my IRC use, I would always tab-complete usernames which often leads to the other person getting notifications or at least highlights. Now that I also use Discord, when I first did the same thing there (@username for tab completion) I got bombarded with custom emojis from people telling me to stop sending them notifications.
absolutely agree tantek
edgeduchess[d], the challenge of "what do I do now that I have all this setup?" (paraphrasing your earlier question) is that "all" and "what [do you want to do]" varies A LOT from person to person, niche to niche, community to community)
like setting up "all" you need to publish on your own site may still leave you wondering, how do I find people? how do I read their stuff? how do I indicate my interest or participate in a conversation?
there is no one "all" that fits all as it were
i mean that's why one should decide which niche they want to focus on
if they want to build something successful
that's actually the first thing they tell you in any startup class/bootcamp
for how much that environment is antithetical to the type of goals i have, they do have a lot of wisdom on how to build stuff
over the last three years (or more!) of me in this, I've started and failed with some projects
realizing that I was casting a net that was trying to span the globe
when I should have been focusing on the people like me who I wanted to reach
yeah absolutely
it's really an easy error to fall into
gRegor joined the channel
and it's why I do like the "build for yourself first" approach
but unless you *really* want to do it for yourself, I'd also think about it from the "build for people like you" perspective
the ones you understand best of all
agreed edgeduchess[d]. there's a pathway from "make what you need" to "make what you & your close ones need" to "make what you & your community(s) need" that would be worth documenting / exploring.
I agree
I'll make a note for an article
cygnoir[d], _inky, KartikPrabhu and tetov-irc joined the channel