#indieweb 2022-01-03

2022-01-03 UTC
eviestears, n8chz, cygnoir[d], Moosadee, hepphepp[d], Tommy1, jessealama, [jeremycherfas] and [James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
regarding the connection between followed/subscribed to, blogrolls, and readers: I have a vast amount of feeds in my reader that hadn't had updates sometimes for a decade, particularly flickr photographers. I don't want to remove them from the reader, a) to avoid forgetting them b) what if they start posting again, but I don't think it makes sense to add them in my blogroll of "pages I read". Thought
jjuran, Eclipse[d], tetov-irc, jessealama and n8chz joined the channel
sort the pages I read by frequency? I used to do that on my blogger blogroll
you could <details><summary> the less frequent ones
Nuve, [jgmac1106], jessealama, Ramon[d], KartikPrabhu, Moosadee, lagash and Eddy04[d] joined the channel
There are different "blogroll" use-cases IMO. E.g. the sidebar list of links is very different than a dedicated page of followings
[Joe_Crawford], gxt, [aciccarello], Andrs[m], _inky, Seb[d], KartikPrabhu and gRegor joined the channel
Happy new year, indieweb!
nekr0z, EvanBoehs[m], LaBcasse[m], npd[m], SamuelCaraliu[m], tomleo[m], Charlotteracracs and PeterMolnar[m] joined the channel
Happy new year gRegor!
New nick for the new year, zerojames[d]?
tetov-irc and Moosadee joined the channel
zerojames[d], you had asked about movie recommendations pages. Are you collecting examples to start a wiki page?
similarly, are you collecting examples for “book recommendations” pages? (As in a list, plural, on one page, not just single review posts)
Perhaps gRegor has examples of that too
schmudde1 joined the channel
[manton] joined the channel
yes snarfed, a combination of those two. personal library has books you have, and the latter has film recommendation. I don't see existing documentation of book recommendations in particular though