#indieweb 2022-01-04

2022-01-04 UTC
a few of those personal library links have ratings/recommendations. https://macwright.com/reading/ , https://books.hiddedevries.nl/ , https://jgregorymcverry.com/mybookshelf , and mine. I'll mark those on the wiki
Seirdy joined the channel
what is recommendation?
A recommendation (or sometimes a tip) is a type of post that provides a short suggestion to another person https://indieweb.org/recommendation
alex11 joined the channel
Closest I've probably gotten is a couple of book /review posts.
I post some /watch to remind me of things I want to watch, so they're not a recommendation at that point
I'm finding a few examples in the wild, especially with alternative affiliate links (i.e. not Amazon) that I thought would be useful to capture in case others are looking for examples / alternatives
I occasionally do a "Music Monday" post which is recommending people check out a song/band. It's really just an article usually with a youtube embed
darkkirb joined the channel
What a coincidence, I only have 3 posts on my blog and one of them is a book recommendation...
But I like to make not so obvious book recommendations. There are many small books by authors that are very worthwhile and are hidden under the slab of pure and simple commercial mainstream.
Another thing I have in mind is to make an interactive book run with Twine.I'm not shakespeare of course, it will be a silly thing, a story, but who knows, maybe someone will like it.
Indie sites should support indie stuff IMO. I mean don't review Dan Brown or 100 shades of gray. But simple and interesting people.
[tw2113_Slack_], schmudde1, strugee, saptaks, vj--, Nuve0, aspen[d], gillytech, KartikPrabhu, maxwelljoslyn[d], jessealama, n8chz, MarkJR84[d], Murray[d], gRegor, grantcodes[d], [Joe_Crawford], [James_Van_Dyne], eviestears, IWSlackGateway, [chrisaldrich], [jacky], [aciccarello], [jeremycherfas], Tommy2, [snarfed]1, [chrisaldrich]4, IWSlackGateway1, tetov-irc, tomleo[m], jamietanna[m], PeterMolnar[m], jfkimmes[m], jamesg[m], diegov, mambang[m], benatkin, LaBcasse[m], SamuelCaraliu[m], Sadale and [JampiDotNet] joined the channel
Hi all and happy new year!
There's something that's been up in my mind for some week, I want to share it with you. If it's not the right # I'm sorry.
I find web mentions really cool, but difficult to implement in a personal website, especially if one opts for a static site instead of (e.g.) WordPress.
• simple registration (no 3rd party login like use your google/facebook/etc account)
So I thought that it would be great if there were a social-media-like-thing, backed by a community like this one, or an ethical foundation, that works this way:
• you add your domain in a "google console" way
• in your public dashboard are displayed all the contents of your sites via RSS/atom feeds
friendly reminder [JampiDotNet], can you move the tech talk (implement, ATOM, RSS) to #indieweb-dev to keep this channel more inclusive and inviting?
jessealama joined the channel
ok, moving to #indieweb-dev 🙂
[JampiDotNet]: what is indienews?
what is indienews?
IndieNews is an indieweb news aggregator, similar to Hacker News, which only accepts submissions via webmention https://indieweb.org/IndieNews
@petermolnar : yes, something like that, but I would add features like commenting, or liking (🤢)
what is salmention?
Salmention is a protocol extension to Webmention to propagate comments and other interactions upstream by sending a webmention from a response to the original post when the response itself receives a response (comment, like, etc.) https://indieweb.org/Salmention
so: receive likes/comments as webmention on the platform, and forward them to the original
so everyone is happy
jessealama joined the channel
yep, but webmentions are not so easy to implement
I was tinking it like: "a feed reader with benefits" 😊
what would set something like this apart from, say, reddit, apart from the owner?
that the content is not published on the platform
but it is allowed only to add a feed from a website
what would set something like this apart from, say, hacner news, apart from the owner?
I think there is room for something you want, but it should be on top of websub and salmentions
don't know hacker news, but it sounds like something for tech savvy people?
I'll check these salmentions... And get back to the discussion 🙂
what I'm saying: the portal you're proposing would accept submissions either either the form of websubs or feeds; and would also receive webmentions on each submission. The webmentions could be comments, reactions, or something new, like "boost" as webmention type to vote for the submission. Beyond this, anything received on the submission would automatically be forwarded to the source entry as well
(salmentions). What do you think?
Segnoir joined the channel
So, I read in the docs the salmentions, and it seems to me like a way of adding a cross site commenting system? Since the problem for me is that I find webmentions cool but difficult to get started with, I thought that a feed-reader with interactions could be simpler for beginners to approach the indieweb principles of owning contents and have a web identity independent from silos.
I mean, I'm a beginner, I make my own blog (using Wordpress, Jekyll, Hugo, or everything else), I signup to this "indie content social" (let's call it indiebook or twindie 🙂 ) just add the source, verify the ownership of the source (placing a token in the header, or an HTML file in the root) and that's it, isn't it simpler?
Then I just continue publishing on my own web corner and twindie get the feed, displaying it on my page, where other people can comment, like, etc.
It wouldn't be much different from a POSSE approach, and it would be crucial the platform to be held by a community or a foundation.
[JampiDotNet]: would you mind moving this conversation (header, root, salmentions) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
(off topic: how can I move the conversation? I just stop writing here and write in #indieweb-dev?
yes, but ignore Loqi for now
jessealama joined the channel
Ok, that was all btw. The fact is that I like the indieweb philosophy but there are things that make it a little hard for beginners, and something like that could help more people to get involved, despite not having advanced technical skills. I mean for a neophyte having a website up and running is a great goal, but having webmentions working is quite hard...
Seirdy joined the channel
at least they feel so to me 😅
We do have ways to do it for static sites: webmention.herokuapp.com is one and webmention.io with a js script to show them https://github.com/PlaidWeb/webmention.js but seems like that should be a lot more discoverable
If you're using a static-site generator, there are also some webmention plugins for specific SSGs that can help streamline the process (though none that I've used which are truly *simple* to set up)
and also https://webmention.app/ for sending webmentions 🙂
Thank you for the suggestions [KevinMarks] & @Murray[d]
However, my idea is not to replace webmentions, but to think of an alternative to SILOS in an indieweb flavor, harnessing web standards (like RSS and Atom)
perro_ joined the channel
What is a social reader?
A social reader is a modern interactive reader that allows you to directly respond to posts (with a like, comment, etc) right there inline with posts as you read them (as people do in social media), in contrast to legacy feed readers which were one-way read-only experiences and provided no mechanisms to interact with or respond to posts https://indieweb.org/social_reader
Have a look at that page too then - Aaron's video shows it well
That's it!!! Thank you [KevinMarks]!!! Just read some lines, but I think I'll fall in the rabbit hole right now!
And no don't ignore Loqi, please do restart any chats regarding protocols in the #indieweb-dev channel
It keeps this channel much more welcoming for folks who want to use the indieweb as a tool, not a hobby
isn't that the other way around? Here, everyone & everything, code/protocol specific in -dev.
friendly reminder [tantek], petermolnar, would you mind moving this conversation (protocols, protocol) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
shut up Loqi
plus it was more a brainstorming thing, and not actual protocol development
Guest6 joined the channel
As soon as you have to start chatting about specs and standards, your talking about plumbing and that belongs in #dev, regardless of whether it's brainstorming or not
Autocorrect 🙄 screwed up: *you’re talking
(That said, protocol seems to be too much of a false positive recently)
And “here” may be for everyone but not everything. That's pretty well spelled out on the chat page
What is discuss?
Join the #indieweb discussion via the web, Slack, IRC, Discord, or Matrix clients now with additional channels for dev, wordpress, and meta specific chat! https://indieweb.org/discuss
Guest5622 joined the channel
ok, I added "https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-44981013" to the "See Also" section of /read https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=78909&oldid=78364
Does anyone do that?
I think I do 😉
looks at bookshelf and kindle - oh yes
I’m glad to know there is a word for it!
I kinda hate that BBC permalinks lack readable slugs
I might have a book that is still plastic wrapped on my shelf, hahaha
Oh Loqi 😂
I have the reverse problem. I just found five books on a to-read list from 2011 -- and I have neither bought them nor read them.
JampiDotNet also check out https://micro.blog/ , it renders feeds like you want, and lets other people comment on and interact with them
eg https://micro.blog/snarfed is its rendering of my site https://snarfed.org/ , and https://micro.blog/cambridgeport90/12206903 has an example comment on one of my posts from a micro.blog user
KartikPrabhu, n8chz, cygnoir[d], [schmarty], kimberlyhirsh[d], [fluffy] and tetov-irc joined the channel