[tantek]so that's why people are liking my old tweets. someone(s) popular posted a Twitter search query for posts from your followings from before a certain date
[Joe_Crawford]That video on Web 2.0 is inspiring and all those things happened but of course it doesn't express much any caution. It makes me think of seeing Philip Greenspun lecture on database backed websites and among the example websites he used about sites which link people together was a group of Jewish gun rights people from upstate New York. He moved on quickly. But it was a reminder that tools for connecting people with shared interests
[Joe_Crawford]need not be of the “beanie baby” or “bicycling” variety, that these were tools about politics and power. I think that lecture was in 2005.
Loqihey capjamesg[d], we try to keep jargon (open source) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
aaronpki have a bit of code in there that's a start to a browser extension version which is what i've been using, but it's not ready for prime time yet
[snarfed][aaronpk] remind me, you started putting together a browser extension alternative for it, right? any chance that will happen? totally ok if not, just curious
[tantek]Interestingly enough, providing sufficiently open & rich APIs for other apps/sites to do PESOS-like functionality was part of the culture of Web 2.0 (and this is going into #indieweb-dev territory)