#indieweb 2022-01-19

2022-01-19 UTC
jacky, JBritSteele, KartikPrabhu, KartikPrabhu1, Seirdy, n8chz, perro, jessealama, rvalue, [tonz] and _inky joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Using my social reader as a progressive web application" https://jamesg.blog/2022/01/19/pwa-social-reader/
_inky, Tommy1, gxt, tetov-irc, jacky, Loqi, fcser, yar, rektide, silberfuchs, mdemo, Moosadee, ronin51, R0nin51, Guest6, Seb[d], KartikPrabhu, P1000[d], boxframes, JoelSq, sp1ff, JBritSteele, n8chz, maxwelljoslyn[d], Osvik[d] and strugee joined the channel