LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "live blogging" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "live blogging is ____", a sentence describing the term)
capjamesg[d]Live blogging is when you write short social posts or status updates in response to an ongoing event as it happens, and something various IndieWeb community members have done on their blogs.
capjamesg[d]If you have an example, it would be great if you could add it. I'd also love to add an advantages / criticism section but seeing as how I haven't written a live blog yet I am not best positioned to write that.
qa6, _inky, schmudde and jessealama joined the channel
jeremycherfasMy biggest criticism, which is entirely personal so barely worth sharing, is that Even with Noterlive, it is just so difficult to do well. I miss all kinds of things in the event when I have to do it.
[tantek]yeah, with a good UI, it can actually *help* with staying focused on the speaker, in some cases. e.g. it depends on the speaker being "not too fast" and often depends on minimizing (or eliminating) any observations / commentary you might yourself provide
[tantek]I've live-blogged a few things that I was able to and that felt notable, and even then, it was for notable excerpts/quotes, not any attempt at being comprehensive (or even "journalistic" where you're trying to report a decent summary of everything relevant happening)
Nuve, mlncn, mlncn_, jacky, [tw2113_Slack_], alex11, neceve, schmudde and P1000[d] joined the channel
capjamesg[d]“Despite what web3 claims, it’s possible to “own” your content without a proof of it on the blockchain (see: IndieWeb). It’s also possible to create things just for the sake of putting them out into the world.”