#indieweb 2022-01-26
2022-01-26 UTC
tetov-irc, boxframes, darkkirb, mlncn and mlncn_ joined the channel
[jgmac1106] yes with noterlive it is best to have the speakers kinda pre loaded so you can select them during talk, but it does place you in a different spot as an audience member

Seirdy, oodani, gRegor, vj--, jacky and sarahd[d] joined the channel
[snarfed] finally getting around to reading https://paulfrazee.medium.com/smart-contracts-without-blockchains-fc54603df754 , and I've been thinking about this part:
[snarfed] "I need a solution like this to get past the limits of the individualist protocols. A social network where everybody publishes their tweets on IPFS or Hypercore works great for syncing the individual feeds, but how do you solve search, algorithms, metrics such as like counts, data-schema governance, etc without collectivist resources? You need models for sharing authority among multiple entities."
strugee joined the channel
schmudde joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
capjamesg[d] [snarfed] I will take my thoughts on decentralized search to #dev.

_inky, rMdes, schmudde, tetov-irc and gRegor joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I like an optin-in search engine for indieweb, you log in with your url and get to decide what post types get crawled and indexed

petermolnar https://melonking.net/thoughts/manifesto.html - the paragraph "The web" and bullet points under "Melon-ish philosophies" are quite interesting thoughts.

schmudde joined the channel
jeremycherfas I like their home page's feel

jeremycherfas The rest I looked at doesn't float my boat, and that's OK.

petermolnar my only concern with the retro web wave is that I don't actually miss the geocities aesthetics, they are horrible; the one I miss is the CSSZenGarden era.

capjamesg[d] The auto-playing music is a nice touch.

capjamesg[d] What is retro?

Loqi Nostalgia is when someone reflects on the past, a feeling that some IndieWeb community members show with regard to older, more user-friendly websites https://indieweb.org/retro

petermolnar see?

capjamesg[d] retro << A good example of a retro-themed website: https://melonking.net

Loqi ok, I added "A good example of a retro-themed website: https://melonking.net" to the "See Also" section of /nostalgia https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=79339&oldid=78150

capjamesg[d] Good find petermolnar++

jacky, _inky, mlncn, mlncn_ and Moosadee joined the channel
[tantek] [snarfed], tbh I agree with Loqi and it's a valid criticism of the content of the article, it is a dev-centric article and that's the level that that discussion is at right now (i.e. far from applicable to anyone actually just wanting to do indieweb-like things right now, way more R&D science-projecty musings, thus belongs in #indieweb-dev)

[manton], walkah, barpthewire, gRegor, neceve, jacky and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I don't remember anyone talking about it at the time but this piece from Data & Society seems like it may be interesting to some here: "_Good Intentions, Bad Inventions: The Four Myths of Healthy Tech_ by Amanda Lenhart and Kellie Owens dispels common myths about our relationship to technology in order to champion evidence-based narratives that reinforce agency and equity, not control and addiction."

[jeremyfelt] and Moosadee joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] What is digital well-being?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "digital well-being" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "digital well-being is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[chrisaldrich] Have we tracked any of the research on ideas like digital well-being as they relate to using our own sites anywhere? Useful?

jacky and [James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] remember those digital detox projects from edu 5222 those were fun

jacky, angelo, kimberlyhirsh[d], kinduff and n8chz joined the channel
Loqi life happens is a summary expression of numerous things that people experience in their actual physical lives that suddenly take higher priority than nearly anything else (like participation in volunteer-based communities), and the IndieWeb community is here to acknowledge, accept, and be supportive of community members experiencing this https://indieweb.org/life_happens

GabrielBerto[m] joined the channel
[tantek] [chrisaldrich] I think that's the closest we have to a page on something like that. The rest of the content related to "well being" is more scattered criticisms for how silos (and specific silos) are *bad* for various aspects of well being (e.g. Instagram, article on studies on effect of self-image on teenagers etc.)

[aciccarello] On the subject, I've thought about what it would look like to "go offline". Specifically if online abuse got too much for someone. Like, would I want to take parts of my site down or make it harder for people to communicate with me? Things hiding contact info, taking down old posts that might have personal details, and making social accounts private.
tetov-irc joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] One of my favorite note taking blogs (on Blogger) went quiet because of one commenter getting too loud and annoying to the writer. They ultimately took the whole site down because of harassment. Fortunately archive.org caught most of the posts over the span of about a decade.

[chrisaldrich] This reminds me, are there any tools that do time shifted newsletters? It would be interesting for older, evergreen sites to start emailing one old article a day/week/month to readers to allow people to "catch up". A friend recently told me: "I wish there was a service that would email me one article a day from a blog's archive. That would help me [catch up]."

[chrisaldrich] Or is this a feature in any social readers yet? Catch up mode, anyone?

[chrisaldrich] From a gardens and streams perspective, there are some times that I want short note content, and others where I'd like to deeper dive article content and having a reader experience that more easily shifted between the two (or even mixed them) would be a refreshing change to automatically going to doom scrolling mode.

[aciccarello] I love that idea
[chrisaldrich] On the well-being front, we often collect the examples of bad behavior and bad outcomes in criticism sections on individual pages. It might be nice to collect positive and proactive examples as a means to help people working on their own consumption patterns or those who are designing and building.

[chrisaldrich] Mental health is an accessibility feature.

[chrisaldrich] I remember a social site (now long gone) that would allow one to input web page addresses and it would convert the pages into a .pdf or .epub file for reading websites as a book. Are there any sites/tools that do this with no code? (Pandoc mentions don't score points here....)

[chrisaldrich] What is longevity?

Loqi Longevity is the goal of keeping your data as future-friendly and future-proof as possible; it is one of the indieweb principles https://indieweb.org/longevity

n8chz joined the channel