#indieweb 2022-01-30

2022-01-30 UTC
The place to start is /start
This is a very good IndieWeb-themed article from DHH, though it would be better on his own domain instead of "Hey": https://world.hey.com/dhh/we-can-t-thrive-without-friction-6cb38fd3
jacky, darkkirb, hoenir, rattroupe[d], shaunix[d], Jeremiah[d], Silicon[d], marksuth[d], aaronpk[d], Myst[d], Seirdy, mossymaker[d], nekr0z, LaBcasse[m], zack[m], jryans, reed, nickdickinson[m], jfkimmes[m], EvanBoehs[m], npd[m], diegov, mambang[m], ermahgerddavid[m, SamuelCaraliu[m], jamietanna[m], kinduff, juanchipro[m], kandr3s[m], threewordchant, zblesk[m], Abhas[m], Tommi[m], doubleloop[m], samwilson, Jef[m], GabrielBerto[m], Phil[m]123, Zegnat[d], aspenmayer[d], angelo, balupton[d], daiyi[d], capjamesg[d], MarkJR84[d], Sadale, Sadale_, schmudde, nanoflite, corenominal[d], Christian_Olivie, sknebel, tetov-irc, alex11, grantcodes[d], sayanarijit[d], KartikPrabhu, jjuran, Nuve, _inky, Moosadee, Murray[d], [aciccarello] and kinduff1 joined the channel
I think someone was asking for a tool to do this recently https://feedyour.email/
angelo and jamietanna joined the channel
Thanks [KevinMarks] I've definitely wondered this fairly recently!
nekr0z, LaBcasse[m], reed, Abhas[m], zack[m], doubleloop[m], jfkimmes[m], samwilson, jryans, threewordchant, diegov, EvanBoehs[m], npd[m], mambang[m], SamuelCaraliu[m], ermahgerddavid[m, jamietanna[m], kandr3s[m] and kinduff joined the channel
Me too πŸ™‚
capjamesg: hey James, I saw you have some cool stats on your sidebar, how are you generating those? Saw them in other indieweb sites too.
kinduff Good question!
Those are called spark lines. I have a special SVG I took from a tutorial that renders different lines depending on how many articles I have written.
Each diagram accounts for the last 365 days I think.
Let me see if I can dig out some code and references for you.
That is the tutorial I followed ^
I also edited the raw SVG to create a sparkline that works in dark mode.
kinduff joined the channel
There is my code ^
It will not work in isolation because it is part of a much larger script. But it should give you an idea of how I do things.
I did a version that is a bit more direct http://www.kevinmarks.com/svgsparklines.html
SVG Sparklines 2016-04-18
Basically I add a number as a parameter in the query string. Each number indicates the height of the line.
So a day with 10 posts would show 10 in the query string.
kinduff joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Thanks for sharing!
My addition was to create a dark mode one that shows when I switch modes to a new theme.
How that works is in my site JS on any page. Just peek in developer tools, search for β€œscript”, and look in the first / only script tag on my home page.
Please ask any questions you have. If you need the dark mode sparkline SVG just download it from my site since it is already made.
adactio.com, aaronpk, and [KevinMarks] have sparklines too. Maybe more sites.
I also made this one, but I should separate it into a library better http://www.kevinmarks.com/joyofsparks.html
The Joy of Sparks 2016-05-08
thank you very much!
More dev really, but SVG is pretty easy to generate programatically once you know what you want. If you want a nice graphing library in js, https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/plot has smart defaults, but can be overridden well
Ah does plot use SVG?
yes, it generates SVG for you
kinduff, cygnoir[d], Nuve, Agustya, jacky, _inky and tetov-irc joined the channel; Agustya left the channel
[β–β“™β“β“¨β“‘β“žβ“Ÿβ“”] Okay, so: German court decided on Jan. 20th 2022 that sites will need to host Google fonts locally. Visitors are otherwise entitled to receive 100€ in recompensation for Google fonts transferring IP numbers to Google servers. Google uses fonts to ... https://files.mastodon.online/media_attachments/files/107/705/138/124/050/096/original/2a2816915b268673.gif
jacky joined the channel