#Loqihow (or how to or how do I) is the second question after first asking why; why should I IndieWeb, or why should I adopt, use, do, or create any particular IndieWeb feature or building block, once clear, leads to how can I IndieWeb, or how can I adopt, use, do, or create a particular IndieWeb thing https://indieweb.org/how
#[chrisaldrich]Sometimes the rabbithole can be a fun place to get lost and generate some new and interesting ideas. I ended up building something for handwriting as a means of posting to my website late last year as part of an IndieWeb rabbithole.
brib and j0hnny joined the channel
#capjamesg[d]kinduff you can take the IndieWeb at your own pace. There are plenty of things to explore 🙂
#capjamesg[d]The best place to start is to think about what you want to build or create.
#capjamesg[d]And we are here to help you navigate the rabbit hole 🙈
nanoflite, KartikPrabhu, schmudde, [davidmead], JBritSteele, angelo, justGhost, jacky, barryf[d], sp1ff, Moosadee, Seb[d], silberfuchs and tetov-irc joined the channel