#indieweb 2022-02-01

2022-02-01 UTC
12 months, 12 CMS challenge?
Hahaha, maybe
jacky, Seirdy, Nuve, zachburau[d], angelo, gRegor, KartikPrabhu1, bg2, [aciccarello], MetBril, _inky, jgee, jamietanna, boxframes_, Sadale, Loqi, jgee0, oxo111999, schmudde, doubleloop[m], reed, npd[m], diegov, jfkimmes[m], Phil[m]123, nekr0z and [jackjamieson] joined the channel
I miss working on IndieWeb! Realizing more and more what a special accomplishment this community is
[jackjamieson]: barnaby left you a message on 2021-06-04 at 2:05pm UTC: nice dissertation about the indieweb community! jfyi many of the links are broken, e.g. indieweb.org linking to https://dissertation.jackjamieson.net/indieweb.org. Also apologies if I was one of the inactive people you reached out to without a response, if so it definitely wasn’t intentional!
LaBcasse[m], reed, Abhas[m], zack[m], doubleloop[m], jfkimmes[m], samwilson, jryans, nickdickinson[m] and threewordchant joined the channel
misses working on IndieWeb too
Phil[m], zblesk[m], Tommi[m] and diegov joined the channel
Lazy bot :D
welcome back [jackjamieson]!
EvanBoehs[m] joined the channel
And of course, thanks for the plug [snarfed]. Something new coming very soon!
npd[m] and mambang[m] joined the channel
Welcome back!
lol @loqi and whoa shame on me
marksuth[d], SamuelCaraliu[m], ermahgerddavid[m, jamietanna[m] and kandr3s[m] joined the channel
I’ll have to check out those links — the process of converting from latex was not smooth, but I didn’t realize it broke links
GabrielBerto[m], juanchipro[m], Jef[m], kinduff, jacky and schmudde joined the channel
@barnaby I finally got your message half a year later! My fault for disappearing into work. Links fixed
jgee6 joined the channel
[jackjamieson] did you see https://ar5iv.org/ ? they have been tuning the latex to html process
nekr0z, LaBcasse[m], reed, Abhas[m], zack[m], doubleloop[m], jfkimmes[m], samwilson, jryans, nickdickinson[m], threewordchant, Phil[m], zblesk[m], Tommi[m], diegov, EvanBoehs[m], npd[m], mambang[m], SamuelCaraliu[m], ermahgerddavid[m, jamietanna[m], kandr3s[m], GabrielBerto[m], juanchipro[m] and Jef[m] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Nice find! If I remember correctly, I ended up using https://github.com/michal-h21/make4ht — Actually it worked pretty well. The hardest part was tuning the document itself since some of the packages I used for the PDF didn’t translate to HTML well
[michal-h21] make4ht: Build system for tex4ht
jacky, schmudde, rvalue, n8chz, Nuve, _inky, Guest6, KartikPrabhu, Moosadee, oxo111999, Sadale, seekr, gRegor, mdemo, sp1ff and tetov-irc joined the channel