#indieweb 2022-02-11

2022-02-11 UTC
_inky, jacky, Seirdy, darkkirb, Moosadee, justGhost, gRegor, ben_thatmustbeme, gire21, [fluffy]1, [jeremycherfas]1, [manton]1, rMdes, [pfefferle] and tetov-irc joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "On Taking Notes and Choosing Tools" https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2022/02/on-taking-notes-and-choosing-tools/
nertzy, _inky, Ruxton, Moosadee, jacky, Guest6, barnaby, gRegor and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
Twitter is semi-broken for me
even tabs which already had a tweet permalink loaded before are reloading, either with errors, or going someplace else like twitter.com/explore
also somehow logged out
I'd suggest *not* activating any twitter tabs you might have open for a while because I think the way they reload you end up losing history (i.e. where you were)
tweetdeck’s working as usual
barnaby: GWG left you a message on 2021-08-20 at 4:17am UTC: Your SSL cert is expired.
that message is expired 😛
ha ha true! although my cert does need renewing again soon
static joined the channel
twitter is so broken right now
is not looking forward to twitter’s announced “update” to tweetdeck
it’s so nice to have a reliable twitter UI free of ads and algorithms
_inky, gRegor and vroman joined the channel
barnaby++ definitely! similar: https://snarfed.org/2019-11-09_39345
barnaby has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
[Ryan Barrett] A few days ago, I unfollowed everyone on Twitter, added them all to a list, and I now read that list instead. It’s shockingly better. Only their own tweets and retweets, in order. No ads, no “liked by,” no “people you may know,” no engageme...
Twitter itself is very broken imo, in Tweetdeck where I only follow a range of keywords and #tags, as well as a few individual accounts it’s doable. Unless they “update” that into a mess as well. For a while I pulled everything I needed in through their API into my own database, but no longer worth it it feels.
[tonz] some of us still do that via https://granary.io/ or (if you have an API key) https://twitter-atom.appspot.com/
friendly reminder [tonz] [snarfed], we try to keep jargon (API, database, ATOM) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
yeah fair
general question, in microsub how would you conceptually describe a channel? Classis feed readers have folders, mutually exclusive. I’ve heard them describe as ‘similar to slack channels’ but I don’t get what that practically means when it comes to feed reading. How would you describe a microsub channel, and its differences to a folder structure?
jacky joined the channel
similar to slack channels sounds about right to me, and that's how i treat them too, just as different streams of posts that i dip in and out of
in in the vein of folders, I could also see it as a single-nesting of folders
[jacky] [aaronpk] to me microsub channels seem the same as folders, so when people say it’s like slack that to me implies they see them different from folders. But I don’t yet grasp what difference they’re expressing in that case. I now organise my folders by social distance (a group of feeds from closest contacts, then wider circles up to ‘people I don’t know but who have interesting blogs’.) what for instance are your choices
channels you have?
so I haven't reorganized my channels _yet_ but I think I can write something up (it'd also include some ideas I have on how to filter / sort feeds)
agh I need to work on my formatting but https://jacky.wtf/2022/02/11/20-MVHcT2-E3N
(my site is under a lot of hammers and nails on the backend)
tl;dr (or too messy): the channels are built based on the kind of stuff I wanna see in them versus my relationship to people in them
antrdnv[d] joined the channel
tbh I could do both content-specific filtering _and_ relationship-based filtering but the content part is easier (for now, I could see me using my /contacts to build a special one for that)
I hope that makes sense [tonz]
Thank you [jacky] that helps. From your description I take that your sorting by content type has a frequency and nutrition value dimension it seems, and maybe a context one too (podcasts probably consumed in a different setting, and reading articles is a different type of reading than tweets e.g.) ?
I like that description / classification of channels.
I had never thought about them that way.
I use channels to segment content by category but in practice I just browse my “all” aggregate feed.
My server publishes that feed as a combination of everything and I have set that as the default for my client.
But breaking things up into channels does help for classification.
[tonz]: ideally! some readers can do this, monocle is great with photos, articles and notes so it's been good for that
And I previously had a hook that sent new posts in a channel into a Discord server.
I like having a separate channel for notifications and podcasts.
I’d love to see a Microsub reader with great built in podcast support.
capjamesg[d]: this is def the final result of thinking that [tantek] kicked off I think about two years (when was the last IWC in Portland? wow) ago about focusing on people and not feeds
hey [tonz] capjamesg[d]: it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (content type, Microsub), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
Yep! People deserve the focus in a social reader.
what would you look for in a microsub podcast reader?
I’ve not yet found a podcast app UI which I prefer over downloading the audio files and queueing them up in VLC
barnaby I’m not sure just yet.
To be honest pocket casts has suited my needs just fine.
yeah for now, I use Plex for managing my podcasts (before gpodder and antennapod)
But I would like better podcast support in my feed reader because I’m in it already to read feeds.
I def do like seeing show notes and that associated metadata
Yes people focus is why I order by social distance and rename feeds to author names not site titles. Ideally I would like to also have a community view and segments thereof (what are indieweb folks talking about this week, but also what are people in berlin or indieweb people in berlin posting, before a trip there) and one level above that: alerts when a community is suddenly more active, as if something important happened, more like a
new hotspot on a heatmap
_inky and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I love that idea!
Eddy04[d], zachburau[d] and tetov-irc joined the channel