[jgmac1106]here is my audiobook export, it is a 100% copy of audible, just stuck it up as I think about how I want display a personal library which has to tale a back seat to the much more critical job of finding an exit ramp from Known for me: http://audiobooks.jgregorymcverry.com/#/library
MarkJR84[d], jacky, schmudde, JohnBeales and nertzy joined the channel
capjamesg[d]“Yes, I think we'll continue to avoid the notification system, not just because of flamewars but also because (relatedly) it's not so compatible with curiosity. Push notifications seem to jack up the nervous system in a way that's good for engagement but not necessarily for users—we all experience this elsewhere on the internet, and on HN we're in the blessed position of not needing to juice the numbers.”
capjamesg[d]I have deliberately not added push notifications to my IndieWeb things. I just prefer to get updates when I want them from things like my feed reader.
[KevinMarks] “*What happened on Facebook was that _chilling effects_ dominated _network effects_.* Chilling effects meaning just the above: “Hey, maybe I shouldn’t post this today, because I don’t want to deal with the bullies, the vitriol, the anger, the rage, the random creeps attacking me, the hate.” And then that thought happens more and more often. Until it’s _the norm_. And suddenly, chilling effects have overcome network