#indieweb 2022-03-03

2022-03-03 UTC
tetov-irc, Darius_Dunlap[d], jacky, jzeneto, [jgmac1106], justAstache, n8chz, Seirdy, tbbrown, Fe, jamietanna1, gerben, strugee, liboot_, mro and [Francesco_Impr] joined the channel
Interesting…can’t read the full article due to paywall
schmudde, _inky, tbbrown, polezaivsani, tetov-irc, [tw2113_Slack_], [tantek], zerok, jacky, strugee, sayanarijit[d], distopico, Silicon[d], rrix, Eddy04[d], Sadale, blahblah441, njd, fcser, Saphire, silberfuchs, yar and sp1ff joined the channel
I have a question RE microformats: I get the idea & have skimmed the spec, but I'm not seeing how people produce HTML marked-up with it. I know Drupal & Wordpress support them, but what about folks not using heavyweight platforms like that? Surely they're not hand-authoring?
mro_ joined the channel
It's built into my templates like any other part of the HTML of my site
sp1ff, aaronpk: I don't mean to be a bother, but Microformats, spec, templates seems like a better conversation for #indieweb-dev
true Loqi
Happy to continue there
mro, rvalue, _inky, schmudde, tbbrown, qa6, jacky, Moosadee, justAstache, barnaby, blahblah441, antrdnv[d], angelo, Oclair and kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
via #indieweb-meta, a good set of Twitter reply-threads from this: https://twitter.com/seaotta/status/1499075448352874497 (figured people here may have some positive opinions to add as well 🙂 )
How do we bring back blog posts. I want more of them.
blog posts = top level posts on your own site. I like that. @seaotta re: discoverability, sharing posts, algorithm isn't serving give the algorithm no choice: * write all posts on your site (even replies & likes) * share (POSSE) them wherever people read https://tantek.com/t5H_2
every time I see a “Thread.” thread on twitter, I think “that could have been such a great blog post, but now it’s going to get buried in the depths of twitter for no reason”
cory doctorow does both, i.e. his blog posts are also posted to twitter as long threads, but I ended up unfollowing him because they’re really awkward to read there. clogging up my feed with a backwards blog post cut into little bits for “engagement” sucks as a reading experience
yeah, both happens sometimes. although many people put the full link at the end, would personally prefer probably in post 2 of the thread
[chrisaldrich] and Saphire joined the channel
15 year blogging community: https://dogtrax.edublogs.org/2022/02/26/join-slice-of-life-in-march-15th-anniversary/ slice of life is a teacher poetry group
tetov-irc, marksuth[d] and P1000[d] joined the channel