#indieweb 2022-03-04

2022-03-04 UTC
barnaby why i kinda always though a start and end button for threads. I use them alot, and on micro.blog I have to do it manually (add reply html) bc it doesn't publish fast enough for me.
as much as folks keep track of their personal libraries of books or media, does anyone keep (track of) a "library of things"?
yeah my credit card statement
that's a log, not a library
no I do not, I think Chris as done wishes,m people to gear posts
e.g. here is the "community" or "shared" example: https://twitter.com/libraryofthings/ and I'm wondering if anyone keeps a *personal* library of things with similar intentions
so I think you do see niche libraries of things but not all my things
ohh actually borrowing
I made an inventory of my workshop when I was moving it for the first time, to keep track of what was in each moving box. I don’t see much benefit in keeping it up to date though
at least not on a very granular level
yeah that’s true, but then I’d only be tracking the insurable stuff
not, say, “vintage pencil case full of assorted mandolin inlays”
that would be more fitting for a personal museum
lol my workshop is already a personal museum, just without little description cards for everything. the only way to get information about it is from a personal guided tour :D
jacky joined the channel
yeah that is a situation where the paper is the better ledger and the neighbor a worse user
gxt, jacky, ronin51, tbbrown, rvalue, mro, jzeneto, [Francesco_Impr], schmudde, [tonz], tetov-irc, _inky, [jgmac1106]1, Fe1, [fluffy]1, Ramon[d]_, _toby3d[d], tbbrown_, darkkirb_, frenzcan2 and e-snail joined the channel
vika_nezrimaya, vika[m], mro and ShinyCyril joined the channel
How does publishing and subscribing work in the decentralized web? #WebSub (formerly #PubSubHubBub) lays out some clear roles: Hubs, Publishers and Subscribers https://wordpress.org/plugins/pubsubhubbub Community Voices series continues Mar 25: http://bluesky-community.net/pages/bscv.html #dWeb #uxdesign #ux
ShinyCyril, Invader_ze_zim[d, Christian_Olivie and angelo joined the channel
[pfefferle] ++ ^ did you see that? your plugin might be getting some recent traffic 🙂
[pfefferle] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
_inky and toastloop joined the channel
tor versions of facebook and BBC news available
toastloop and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[tantek] oh nice! thanks for the ping!
[pfefferle]: We should talk soon
tetov-irc joined the channel