#indieweb 2022-03-09
2022-03-09 UTC
tetov-irc, mceldeen, Saloframes, angelo and jacky joined the channel
n8chz and gerben joined the channel
jacky and gerben joined the channel
jacky, Saloframes, Sadale, yar, blahblah441, angelo, n8chz, alephalpha0, hans63us[d], n8chz1, strugee and stevenm_ joined the channel
Sadale, schmudde, tetov-irc, jacky, franklen[d], Asaf_Agranat[d], mceldeen, gxt_ and jamietanna joined the channel
[jeremycherfas], jacky, schmudde, Sadale, alex11, mceldeen, _inky, marksuth[d], timdream, balupton[d], tetov-irc, vroman, ben_thatmustbeme, Casey and gRegor joined the channel