#indieweb 2022-03-10

2022-03-10 UTC
gxt_, Nuve, angelo, Natlogica[d], darkkirb, _inky, gRegor, johnnrs[d], Saloframes and jacky joined the channel
what is person mention?
person mention is a homepage webmention sent to a person's homepage https://indieweb.org/person-mention
what is person tag?
A person tag (AKA people tag) is a tag on a post that refers to a specific person by URL, and which the post author explicitly adds as a tagging action, beyond just mentioning a person via hyperlink, h-card, or @-name (autocompleted or not) https://indieweb.org/person-tag
[benjaminchait] joined the channel
question about indieauth: i have two domains. historically, i’ve done everything using [domain A] but i’m wondering if i might want to transition to [domain B] in the future.
what happens if i start using [domain A] for various things (eg. indieweb webring) and later want to change? does indieauth have a way to ‘redirect’ future authentication requests, do i then handle two ‘identities’, does each site handle it independently…or something totally different? (also, forgive me if this isn’t the best place to ask--figure i’ll just lean into things and learn 🙂)
each site would handle it differently, indieauth only gives the site a way to verify that you control a particular url
:thumbsup: cool, that makes sense!
a site could offer a migration step similar to changing your email address at various websites for example
ShinyCyril joined the channel
What does everyone think about scheduling a pop up later this year to discuss making a new home page?
GWG I know you said you were always up for a pop-up 🙂
mro, gRegor, jgee63, _inky, tetov-irc and jacky joined the channel
Yes, I love a good conversation
mro, jacky and n8chz joined the channel; _inky left the channel
A new home page for IndieWeb.org?
mro joined the channel
Yes jeremycherfas.
capjamesg[d]: I'm always down for that
I think there's been quite a bit of discussion about this
I made this some time ago https://hilarious-fox.glitch.me/
the colors could use a wee bit of work (the light blue is not distinguishable from the white, for example)
*notes "hilarious fox" for future naming inspiration* 👀
mro joined the channel
toastloop, fcser and [calumryan] joined the channel
Some discussions here on the homepage https://indieweb.org/2021/homepage
these auto-generated names are always interesting. Github named my latest testing repo "laughing-chainsaw"...
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
github once gave me “glowing-wookie” and i lol’d, so i just created another repo and…9 years later, still have an empty repo with the silly auto-generated name
That should be the name of my next website 😂
capjamesg[d] scheduling pop-ups -> #indieweb-meta please 🙂
mceldeen, _inky, cygnoir[d], mro and [Ramiro_Ruiz] joined the channel
Hello everyone, I’ve been trying to decide if I should post all my replies as individual posts or just the 1st ones, especially using something like twitter or micro.blog. Where I may post a reply to someone and if they of other person replies to me I can keep the conversation in there (micro.blog, twitter) as my responses will show up in the webmentions of the original post. Instead of fragmenting or repeating content by giving i
its own url to each reply, etc.
[manton], mro, [schmarty], gRegor, zerok, mro_, eqirax[d], angelo, P1000[d], _inky, kimberlyhirsh[d], jacky, barnaby, j0hnny, jgee636 and tetov-irc joined the channel
what is own your replies
own your replies is the IndieWeb approach of posting your reply posts on your own site first and using Webmention to automatically send them to show up as comments on the original post, and/or automatically having your site POSSE them to silo (copies of) posts https://indieweb.org/own_your_replies