#indieweb 2022-04-09
2022-04-09 UTC
inspiron, jacky, alephalpha0, akoster2, justOkay and Vycliso joined the channel; akoster2 left the channel
alephalpha0 joined the channel
rvalue joined the channel
rvalue, hans63us[d], hoenir, balupton[d], mro, oodani, marksuth[d], shaunix[d], wackycity[d], yequari[d], edburns[d], indieweb-irc-bri, laker[d], hoschi-it, tetov-irc, alephalpha0, Sadale, jacky, gxt, silberfuchs and Moosadee joined the channel; hoschi-it left the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] and angelo joined the channel
angelo, Moosadee, nertzy, tetov-irc, vika_nezrimaya and jacky joined the channel