[timothy_chambe]At the Mastodon/Fediverse overall: think it will take a day or two to tell... but the most prominent Mastadon instance mastodon.social maintained uptime, (with some slowness at tmes) but was clearly was being hammered by traffic...
[chrisaldrich]I know there used to be a gateway for Twitter quitters to find/follow their friends on Mastodon, but I think it "broke" with API changes. Is there a newer way anyone has used lately that works for finding and discovering your social connections?
aaronpki will say i'm pretty happy i am in no rush to download my twitter data because twitter has been a shadow copy of everything i post on my site for years now
petermolnarI'd love to know if twitter was to actually shut down, temporarily or longer, how many people would actually consider it a loss after a few weeks
IWDiscordGateway<marksuth> It looks like Apple have pulled indigenous from the App Store as part of them removing older apps. I really need to crack on with getting IndiePass sorted
AramZ-S[m]It's not a totally innocent or coincidental move. A little while back Google started supporting a metadata structure for live updating pages along with better crawling support and a badge that can show up on Google News so it is also an SEO strategy, especially for news sites.
ZegnatEarlier I have mostly seen news pages do live blogs where they do live updates of an article, I think this one from The Verge stood out to me specifically because it linked to separate articles with separate URLs.
AramZ-S[m]Yeah, I think that is a typical pattern, though I agreee the Verge's version is more clearly a feed of posts than others which usually (like WashPost does) have larger story updates on the single page and a smaller link to another post. (Sorry about the paywall!)
AshMcAllan[m]WordPress ain't bad for what it is but I have a habit of disliking things that are more than they need to be which WordPress is for me personally
AramZ-S[m]Yeah, the rel prop is sadly underused and t/f tends to be undersupported. Mby we'll see Mastodon's push towards using it have some impact with greater support.
AramZ-S[m]I don't know microblog, but I have been interested in doing webmentions on my static site generator-built sites. Do you know if there are good example implimentation, esp in Node, I could look at @[Ash McAllan] ?
[tantek]AramZ-S[m], happy to answer more about static site how tos in the #indieweb-dev channel (since setting up SSGs with features like that still fairly dev-heavy)
[tantek][KevinMarks] re: that Twittereng / rel me tweet, why did you link to the Bluesky talk tweet with the image inside? DID is not even close to an interoperable format. Concerned that somehow the bluesky folks haven't figured that out and/or are hosting a talk on that?
[tantek]I.e. DIDs from one "controller" don't interoperate with another, so yet again, a user of a DID from one company is "stuck" with that company, no better than a social media profile and using it to OAuth into other places
[tantek]Has anyone else heard of the phenomenon of "shadow sites"? This seems like especially a challenge for the IndieWeb, as if some "BigCorp" can hire a team to make clones/simulacra of "official sites" using their own domain names, then it's a vulnerability that everyone with a personal site shares. e.g. Lieferando supposedly did this (does this?) by registering 120,000 domains in Europe alone:
[tantek]I kinda want to define "shadow site" as a thing on the wiki, since it does seem to be a threat to IndieWeb sites, even if primarily business (for now).
[tantek]presumably someone dedicated enough could pay some SEO agency or whatever to setup a shadow site of a personal site as a method of harassment / person-in-the-middle attacking you
sknebelI guess a person-equivalent sort of are these sites that scrape profiles on GH etc and generate pages from that, although they dont go to custom domains...
AramZ-S[m]It depends on what they do and how deeply they do it. :/ a lot of them are not doing anything that is strictly illegal. A lot will rip off news sites but do so as indirectly as possible so it isn't actually breaking the laws.
AramZ-S[m]Yeah, I mostly try not to link to the actual real bad stuff. Though the poor blogger who got photos of his leg hijacked for an ad campaign for a scam is pretty bad, though more on the sad side than anything else.
AramZ-S[m]And there is a whole universe of grey and blackhat SEO site types. Shadow Sites, "Private Blog Networks", arbitrage sites, click launderers, and fake search sites.
[tantek]AramZ-S[m] what is the more common term, "shadow site" or "shadow website", and does the capitalization matter? It seems more descriptive than a proper noun
AramZ-S[m]Or at least Twitter threads haha. I dunno I think prob the most commonly used and referred to term is just the more general "fake websites" or "fake sites" and maybe that makes more sense plus subtopics underneath on terms like shadow sites and private blog networks. And for clarity's sake prob "fake websites" or "shadow websites" are the easiest. It's hardly a term of art at this point, in that article's case they are intentionally using
Loqizombie is in the context of the web a website that had died (site-deaths), perhaps due to domain registration neglect, and has been brought back by some other looking sorta like it did before, but oddly broken, often with spam pages/links added, and eats a lot of CPU likely due to abusive scripts https://indieweb.org/zombie
AramZ-S[m]Yeah, that's a good one! I guess the question is how far does it differ from the original 'real' site and still be considered a shadow? The semi-cloned news websites are clearly just scrambling text they pull after crawling pages listed in the feeds but they're not quite as directly a shadow of the news site they are ripping off, even if sometimes that is all they do
[tantek]I'd say there's a solid expectation that the casual viewer would think it's the original entity, e.g. https://www.secretgardenberlin-vegansushi.de/ looks like a legit indie restaurant site (except for the favicon lol)
[tantek]I've also seen something like what you're talking about, with random WordPress sites setup with a generic theme pulling in content from other sites in order to try to get a higher ranking for the subject matter, yet without trying to actually "clone" the look of the original