#indieweb 2022-04-27
2022-04-27 UTC
Leonardo1 joined the channel
Leonardo1 Olá
[chrisaldrich] tantek, I recall a few articles about the shadow site phenomenon a year or so ago. iirc, the general scam also perpetrated by some of the restaurant and delivery services like uber eats, open table, and the like to draw visitors and click through orders for small local restaurants.

[chrisaldrich] They've set up things which increase their kickback percentages for referring traffic to themselves over traffic that the restaurant may drive themselves. Many restaurants and their developers forget to custom code their referral links properly. Example: https://www.exploretock.com/join/resources/ot-analyzer/

AramZ-S[m] Yeah, maybe two seperate articles? Shadow websites that are aiming for this specific scam and fraudulent publishers that are looking to repub content to generate revenue in some way

AramZ-S[m] ?

[chrisaldrich] I can't imagine that it would be seen heavily in the personal website space unless there were financial incentives for doing it, like one forgot to renew their domain and squatters took over for residual clicks and ransoming the domain.

[chrisaldrich] What are restaurants?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "restaurants" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "restaurants is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[chrisaldrich] Could be useful knowledge if folks were considering various forms of /IndieWeb_for_business

AramZ-S[m] Also, I imagine that any personal website that got popular enough would be a candidate for scraping?

AramZ-S[m] and reuse into fraud sites

[chrisaldrich] I'm sure that Tim Bray, Maria Popova, and other big bloggers have covered some of that space before.

[chrisaldrich] What is identity?

Loqi A personal domain is a domain name that you personally own, control, and use to represent yourself on the internet https://indieweb.org/identity

[chrisaldrich] identity << "_But amid our slender repertoire of agency are the labels we choose for our labors of love — the works of thought and tenderness we make with the whole of who we are."_—Maria Popova, on [https://www.themarginalian.org/2021/10/22/brain-pickings-becoming-the-marginalian/ choosing a new name for her website]

Loqi ok, I added ""_But amid our slender repertoire of agency are the labels we choose for our labors of love — the works of thought and tenderness we make with the whole of who we are."_—Maria Popova, on [https://www.themarginalian.org/2021/10/22/brain-pickings-becoming-the-marginalian/ choosing a new name for her website]" to the "See Also" section of /personal-domain https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81025&oldid=79932

[chrisaldrich] AramZ-S++ for tangentially reminding me to document that quote

[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[timothy_chambe] Tumblr had a good day yesterday:
[timothy_chambe] https://twitter.com/photomatt/status/1519123203758559233
@photomatt 19% bump in new user registration on @tumblr yesterday. (twitter.com/_/status/1519123203758559233)
doosboox, Nuve, gxt, [fluffy], aynish[m], angelo and BillBennett joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] well, it had 100 users, and 19 new ones joined...
[tw2113_Slack_] jk i don't know their numbers
[tw2113_Slack_] fair
cybi joined the channel
schmudde, tetov-irc, HuguesRoss, BillBennett1, Moosadee, ben_thatmust, jamietanna, jacky, AramZS, jacky_, n8chz, barpthewire, cybi, barpthewire_, [schmarty], [manton], angelo and AramZS_ joined the channel
AshMcAllan[m] ayyyy. https://acegiak.net/
AshMcAllan[m] now that it's running I can start fuckin around
AshMcAllan[m] Oh lol. Loqi don't you recognise me? 🤣
AshMcAllan[m] I guess that's the problem with bridges
AshMcAllan[m] Lol
AshMcAllan[m] I didn't realise it became a year rolling thing
AshMcAllan[m] Heya!
AshMcAllan[m] That makes sense. Not a situation where inheritance tax does the trick.
tetov-irc joined the channel
cambridgeport90[ That looks pretty cool... could be useful for following feeds; Yarn in Wordpress, and Personal Reader for Drupal...
cambridgeport90[ Oh... wow. that message I just sent was totally out of context thanks to matrix not updating quickly... LOL... was referring to the links that were passed around yesterday.
barnaby, strugee_ and AramZS joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] collection << https://winnielim.org/library/collections has an interesting way of laying out and keeping collections and examples of ideas on her site, almost in a way that seems reminiscent of practices related to [[digital gardens]].

Loqi ok, I added "https://winnielim.org/library/collections has an interesting way of laying out and keeping collections and examples of ideas on her site, almost in a way that seems reminiscent of practices related to [[digital gardens]]." to the "See Also" section of /collection https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81029&oldid=77454

Loqi [indienews] New post: "Twitter alternatives" https://beesbuzz.biz/articles/3951-Twitter-alternatives

Loqi [indienews] New post: "Twitter alternatives" https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/3951-Twitter-alternatives

[fluffy] hm, any way I can remove the /articles/ version of that? No need to have it posted twice 😛

mambang[m] and aquilax[m] joined the channel