#indieweb 2022-04-30
2022-04-30 UTC
[chrisaldrich] !tell cambridgeport90[ Saw your note about running ActivityPub. I've been hearing good things about Darius Kazemi's lightweight fork of Mastodon for smaller communities. I haven't tried it myself yet, but maybe something worth looking at? https://github.com/hometown-fork/hometown/wiki

jacky joined the channel
cambridgeport90[ <[chrisaldrich]> "!tell cambridgeport90 Saw your..." <- That looks pretty awesome, actually; the issue with a lot of ActivityPub instances, though, is they simply do as the Mastodonians do, and only support what the larger piece of the puzzle supports. We have people like Darius to thank for reminding us that it's not a monoculture, where with Mastodon getting as big for its britches as it is right now, could happen without people
cambridgeport90[ even realizing it.
jacky, [Murray], [pfefferle], mdemo, angelo, gxt, mro, schmudde and Kooky joined the channel
Kooky Kooky
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Kooky Good Morning :) I’m running late to DUS2022 but I’ll be there in 10
mro joined the channel
IWDiscordGateway <Seb> Good morning!
IWDiscordGateway <Seb> We're starting IWC DUS2022 and we're watching this Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTSEr0cRJY8
mro joined the channel
IWDiscordGateway <Seb> tantek welcomes everyone to the seventh IWC Düsseldorf
IWDiscordGateway <Seb> introduces the wiki and the code of conduct
IWDiscordGateway <Seb> the Code of Conduct of the IndieWeb as well as that of Beyond Tellerand
IWDiscordGateway <Seb> tantek explained the name tags and the photo policy
IWDiscordGateway <Seb> now explains our Etherpad: you can follow the links on the wiki to get the them, and collaborate there
sebsel joined the channel
sebsel The tweet tantek showed: https://twitter.com/fox/status/1512293042467717120

@fox if you’re in tech, do you have a personal website? bonus points for why. 😇 (twitter.com/_/status/1512293042467717120)
neceve joined the channel
jbove for some inspiration for session: https://indiewebify.me/

jbove for some inspiration for sessions: https://indiewebify.me/

jkphl joined the channel
jkphl GWG We use https://www.kandaovr.com/kandao-meetingpro/ for panoramic view

Loqi jkphl: snarfed left you a message on 2018-01-18 at 7:18pm UTC: hey HWC hosts, hope you're getting ready to join us and host a 1M webmentions party next wed! https://indieweb.org/Webm1m

HuguesRoss joined the channel
tetov-irc, mro, zinzy and gRegor joined the channel
Loqi A sparkline is a small, simple, data-dense graphic with typographic resolution that is shown inline and in-context with relevant text https://indieweb.org/sparkline

jjuran, mro, [schmarty], [snarfed], [fluffy], neceve and jacky joined the channel
AshMcAllan[m] uploaded an image: (29KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/GhWyJQcdDHQKereehImbqabm/Screenshot_2022-05-01_01-10-31.png >
AshMcAllan[m] ohoho!
cambridgeport90[ Will have to OCR that image later... unless somebody wants to describe it?
mro joined the channel
AshMcAllan[m] oh sorry! It's a screenshot of me finding that my poussetaches process was paused which is why it wasn't pushing messages from my blog
AshMcAllan[m] and then me unpausing it and it starting to process messages
mro, jacky_, schmudde, jacky and apu joined the channel
[deborahbrown_m] Day 1 was amazing
[deborahbrown_m] Looking forward to Day 2
[deborahbrown_m] I'll like to connect with Kenza from Amsterdam. Is Kenza here??
[deborahbrown_m] Zinzy sorry
AramZS joined the channel
mro joined the channel
AshMcAllan[m] ok and I worked out why it was starting paused automatically and have updated the dockerfile. Excellent!
mro joined the channel
AshMcAllan[m] man, instragram really doesn't want you to posse there, hey?
rvalue joined the channel
jbove Anyone else here intrigued by "Earthstar"? https://earthstar-project.org/

jbove Its maintainer started an ideas thread on microblogging using the framework: https://github.com/earthstar-project/earthstar/discussions/253

gRegor and [zinzy] joined the channel
[zinzy] ↩️ Thanks for the welcome [gRegorLove] and [tantek], it was wondering hearing all the stories today! I’m so pleased to see what a warm and helpful community you are. I'm excited to join in person some time in the future. How does one connect their IndieWeb profile to their Slack account? 🤔

gRegor I don't think we have a URL field in the Slack profile. Our chat logs use /chat-names to show your photo and link to your site, so it looks like you're already set there

tetov-irc joined the channel