cambridgeport90[<AshMcAllan[m]> "Looks like my first upgrade to..." <- That's still a thing? I was never sure what happened to that, and whether it remained in development.
[tantek]final IWC welcome email just went out to IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf attendees including asking folks to join this channel so let's all be nice and warm & /welcoming to the new folks showing up here! thank you! ❤
schmudde, HuguesRoss, tetov-irc, mro and [deborahbrown_m] joined the channel
[deborahbrown_m]But I'll just introduce myself a bit. My major is International Humanitarian Action but I am on a journey to being a UX Accessibility Researcher. I am quite passionate about web accessibility and inclusive design and in my work as a humanitarian, I specialize in disability inclusion.
[fluffy]Hi [deborahbrown_m], welcome! I'm also not a web developer professionally. My day job is the programming side of UI/UX stuff, and it's great to see more UI/UX people around :)
jacky, schmudde, AramZS and AramZS_ joined the channel
GWGI always wonder about stuff is my hobby.. but my profession is far from development or is that affirming that non professionals should feel welcome here? I hope it is
[tantek]petermolnar, indeed. and the short form "pro" has taken on its own broader meaning as well, e.g. "iPhone Pro", so much so that we can't necessarily expand "pro" to mean "professional"
[fluffy]Reminder that “Amateur” means “one who does it for love” (as KevinMarks posted an old blog entry about recently, and is also a sentiment I’ve seen online a lot lately)
[chrisaldrich]For the readers and book nerds, I just read that by putting your Kindle into FreeTime mode (usually used by Parents for their kids), your kindle will track your pages read, minutes read, books finished, words looked up, and "achievements". They also save a file on your Kindle that allows you to extract the data. details:
LoqiTo read or reading is the act of viewing and interpreting posts or other documents; on the IndieWeb, a read post expresses that something has been read, like a book or section thereof