#indieweb 2022-05-03
2022-05-03 UTC
lagash eb: not that I'm aware of, but I'd watch https://annotator.apache.org/ and projects that will use it..
gxt, jacky, ehmry, [chrisaldrich], rvalue, mro, [snarfed], n8chz and gRegor joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "I love RSS. However, by using a third-party plugin to automatically generate the feed, I didn’t pay attention to how it could be improved. An occasional discussion on Mastodon prompted me to a ..." https://minutestomidnight.co.uk/blog/build-a-human-readable-rss-with-jekyll/

rvalue, emery, schmudde, mro, HuguesRoss, tetov-irc, mro_, ehmry and Joel2 joined the channel
Joel2 Hello folks
Joel2 I figured you guys would have a good idea on this question
Joel2 I have a webhost that uses wordpress, now I know that PHP is available, so I was wondering what's out there for Open source CMS/Blogging projects with light features, no google or big tech integration. Just a simple blog where I can add <tag> to existing layouts and what not, file uploader, ability to create directories etc
Joel2 I miss old blogging days, I did a google search and seemed to find stuff that all had this integration. I don't want that, I'd prefer to share the .com with friends and family and whatnot, not rely on IMGUR... The Wild West 20 years ago I guess
Joel2 I just really don't like wordpress
[KevinMarks] Hi Joel2 - Known might suit for that, it's PHP/MySQL based and has good indieweb support.

[KevinMarks] what is known?

Loqi Known is an open publishing / community platform project https://indieweb.org/known

Joel2 Ahhh, thanks, I'll look into this... Was looking at github and a lot of the ones I was finding haven't been updated in years... I once coded a CMS, Flatfile when I was in my teens but that was 20 years ago now and I've forgotten damn near everything
petermolnar people used to work on Grav as well, but I don't know how that went

Joel2 I am just now relearned new HTML/CSS/JS and it's progressing, a bit slowly but I think once you hit middle age you tend to lose the cognitive ability to (re)learn these things
Joel2 I was going to pursue the tech side of the work force, but decided the blue collar life and regret it, haha... Rather enjoyed this aspect
petermolnar > you tend to lose the cognitive ability to (re)learn these things

petermolnar No. You lose the ability to go another circle, only to come back to as it was, but now with extra layers of abstraction. The web has an insane backwards complability to help with this :)

Joel2 Will give these a look, also, I assume these are connected but I'm apart of the mastodon page as well indieweb.social
Joel2 Not a big social media guy, just want a place I can share with a select few friends, ramblings and cat pictures and whatnot
jeremycherfas !tell Joel2 My main site is on Grav and I would have to say it has become a bit too complex for my taste. I'm still using it, but barely exploiting its capabilities. I recently switched a WP site to ClassicPress and I am pretty happy with that.

jeremycherfas I worry about WithKnown because despite everything it offers, it really isn't getting the attention it needs.

AramZS joined the channel
Joel2 Yeah, I guess my problem with WP is I dislike elementor, I don't like features blocked by pay wall, I want to edit a style sheet myself, I want to add links with out going through 3 menus, etc
Joel2 Thanks Jeremy
jeremycherfas If you can host a ClassicPress site, that might work

Joel2 what's the IRC address here, gonna swap to a client
JoelSQ joined the channel
JoelSQ better
jeremycherfas Welcome back

JoelSQ Thanks Jeremy, see, already with a community that appreciates open source there's a warm welcome. Don't know what's going on with the world but that's becoming a rarety these days, but I digress... Got 3 to look into and another one that's from 2015, but like the idea of it so maybe work on that in my spare time so I can get back in touch with backend stuff later
Joel2 weird...
Joel2 how do you guys explain this? IRSSI doesn't have the same users in it
Joel2 irc.freenode.net?
JSQ joined the channel
JSQ There... That was confusing
silberfuchs and gxt joined the channel
JSQ This Grav is pretty cool
rvalue and alex11 joined the channel
jeremycherfas It is. I like it a lot, although I am by no means a developer. I've made it do a few IndieWeb things for me, but not yet Micropub, although that has been on my list for a long time.

mro and JSQ joined the channel
JSQ I don't work a job, going to be going to take courses to join the tech world. I'm on disability and not able to do the blue collar stuff I once did, so gotta work to get a grasp on things now
JSQ I installed this Atom editor, but for some reason it just opens and shuts down immediately
AramZ-S[m] JSQ What operating system and version of the OS are you running?

JSQ I was on debian 12 before, but decided to give Fedora 35 a try
JSQ I know it worked on Debian
[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] welcome, JSQ! to keep discussion welcoming to non-technical folks, would y'all mind moving discussion about debugging software and Linux distributions to #indieweb-dev?

jeremycherfas schmarty++ for channelling Loqi

[schmarty] 🤖

[schmarty] gives Loqi a coffee break

jeremycherfas What is Loqi

Loqi Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/Loqi

jeremycherfas JSQ ^^^

JSQ sounds good, thanks Jer
mro joined the channel
gRegor and joshproehl joined the channel
JSQ Breakfast is served
[tw2113_Slack_]1, [chrisaldrich]1, [aciccarello], AramZS, n8chz, [calumryan] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]1 Good morning to all the new folks.
[chrisaldrich]1 I'm reasonably technically oriented (now), but I'll say that there's a lot of programming and technology I've learned over the past few years just following the chat channels here in IndieWeb. There's a lot of material you'll pick up from the community by seeing some of the professionals solving problems here in real time that you'd probably never find in books or that would take a decade or more to pick up on the job. community++
rektide joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]1 Perhaps of interest to the podcasters, audiophiles, and /media_fragment fans: I just ran across a clever little bit of user interface for the audio on Supreme court cases at https://www.oyez.org/cases/2021/19-1392 (click on the speaker icon on the left of the page to see it). When listening the UI has a row of all the judges pictured at the top and as the audio plays, the transcribed text auto advances with highlighting and the
[chrisaldrich]1 image of the speaker highlights as well. Image: https://imgur.com/a/Z9JzDOz. #MicropubClientDreams
rvalue joined the channel
[schmarty] oooh

rvalue joined the channel
[snarfed] I'm glad we do have examples of paid IndieWeb businesses! eg micro.blog, which is hopefully sustainable. but it takes a ton of setup and commitment to make that work. in the more common case, when you have a side project and it feels like a burden, setting up payment model(s) usually makes it _more_ of a burden by default, not less
scojjac, scojjac_ and mro joined the channel
scojjac joined the channel
mro_ and scojjac_ joined the channel
petermolnar tumblr suddenly realizing they could have been onlyfans

petermolnar ok, so that was in last July: https://postplus.tumblr.com/post/657366541151698944/post-is-coming-soon

scojjac__ and scojjac_ joined the channel
scojjac, [James_Van_Dyne], fncll and tetov-irc joined the channel