[timothy_chambe]Got this message of interest to the Twitter exchange that Matt Mullenweg, [KevinMarks] and myself had, when I posted it over at Indieweb.social too...
JBritSanyone want to do at least a temporary ad exchange with my site helpfullifesteps.com ? ad for you would go in top right corner picture gallery icon currently there
JBritS and KartikPrabhu joined the channel; JBritS left the channel
[chrisaldrich]1Talk pages are disabled as most of the talk happens here in chat. The best pieces or synopses are usually then crystallized into the wiki from here.
AshMcAllan[m]the thought being that I want to develop microblog.pub into something that can be installed and have full indieweb/fediverse functionality without needing anything else.
villasvHi folks! I've been studying RelMeAuth and IndieAuth for a day or so but I'm having some trouble understanding the IndieAuth spec. In the Wiki, it says the Authorization Endpoint "is a page where applications can send users to and asking them to identify themselves". But the spec says "The client needs to discover the user's indieauth-metadata endpoint, which provides the location of the IndieAuth server's authorization endpoint". I'm
villasvconfused because I don't provide "indieauth-metadata" in my personal website yet I'm able to use IndieAuth as an user 🤔 Are these different "users"?
villasvOr perhaps am confused about naming. Perhaps I'm actually not able to use IndieAuth the protocol, I'm able to use Web Sign-In thanks to RelMeAuth?
[tantek]Welcome villasv! That's our friendly bot Loqi 🙂 For protocols and specifications discussions we prefer to use the #indieweb-dev channel in particular to help this channel stay relatively free of jargon and be more welcoming to new users.
[Murray][scojjac]: I had the same issue recently; the invite never arrived, but when I went to the default Slack login it said I was already logged in, e.g. https://indieweb.slack.com/ and then select from the list. Might work for you too
schmudde, scojj, strugee_, jacky, scojjac and cyborganicLion joined the channel
Loqi[infinite love ⴳ] i think "everyone owns their own website" is a better model than "everyone signs up to someone else's service", politically speakinghowever i think "no one is forced to be admin" is a better social model than "everyone run their own website"and this ...
[aciccarello]I could totally envision several micro.blog-like services with support for indieweb protocos that differentiate slightly by cost, design, community emphasis.
[Scott_Jack]The reality is there are even “techie” people that don’t want to futz with hosting, managing a cms, or anything of the stuff that commonly goes with owning your own website. I've kept my site on Tumblr at times and like that model. Buuut I don't have fuzzy feelings about Autommatic buying it out. It was probably better than any alternative suitors Verizon may have entertained
[Scott_Jack]The big thing to avoid, though, is algorithmically feeding people stuff. That and the easy accessibility of social platforms is a disaster.