#indieweb 2022-05-10
2022-05-10 UTC
jacky joined the channel
IWDiscordGateway <person> Does anyone have a favorite "POSSE how-to for beginners" article they like? Either of their own or someone else's?
jacky, jjuran, IWDiscordGateway and petermolnar joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] person, that may depend on what platform you're syndicating from and where you're syndicating to. Some may have plugins, some might use Brid.gy, some may just do things manually.

[chrisaldrich] What is manual until it hurts?

Loqi manual until it hurts is an indieweb principle of resisting automation until you have done it enough times to really understand it, and know that it is worth doing https://indieweb.org/manual_until_it_hurts

[chrisaldrich] Are you trying to understand what POSSE is or how to actually implement it? For implementation, #indieweb-dev may be the better place for that question.

[chrisaldrich] What is POSSE?

Loqi POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, the practice of posting content on your own site first, then publishing copies or sharing links to third parties (like social media silos) with original post links to provide viewers a path to directly interacting with your content https://indieweb.org/POSSE

jacky joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] POSSE << articles: 2018-02-06 Dries Buytaert [https://dri.es/to-pesos-or-to-posse To PESOS or to POSSE?] and 2018-02-16 Dries Buytaert [https://dri.es/my-posse-plan-for-evolving-my-site My POSSE plan for evolving my site]

Loqi ok, I added "articles: 2018-02-06 Dries Buytaert [https://dri.es/to-pesos-or-to-posse To PESOS or to POSSE?] and 2018-02-16 Dries Buytaert [https://dri.es/my-posse-plan-for-evolving-my-site My POSSE plan for evolving my site]" to the "See Also" section of /POSSE https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81366&oldid=81202

[chrisaldrich] cross-posting << Sketchnotes related post/image comparing POSSE with other syndication methods https://boffosocko.com/2021/08/21/indieweb-syndication-sketchnotes-posse-pesos-pasta-pesetas-poosnow/

Loqi ok, I added "Sketchnotes related post/image comparing POSSE with other syndication methods https://boffosocko.com/2021/08/21/indieweb-syndication-sketchnotes-posse-pesos-pasta-pesetas-poosnow/" to the "See Also" section of /cross-posting https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81367&oldid=74717

jacky, petermolnar, schmudde, HuguesRoss, tetov-irc, jjuran and janboddez joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "How I’m currently managing writing new content in my Jekyll-based static blog, using Shortcuts on macOS." https://minutestomidnight.co.uk/blog/automation-for-my-blog-publishing-workflow/

jacky, shreyasminocha, capjamesg, srushe, raghavgururajan, rockorager, sm2n, ancarda, spff, toastal, eb, AramZS, schmudde, mro, ehmry, [jeremycherfas], mdemo and [schmarty] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Twitter << “Twitter, like many technology companies, fell into the classical trap by thinking that they, the technologists, were the innovators. Technologists today are almost never innovators, but rather plumbers who build pipelines to move ideas in the form of data back and forth with varying efficacy. Users are innovators, and its users that made Twitter unique.”

Loqi ok, I added "“Twitter, like many technology companies, fell into the classical trap by thinking that they, the technologists, were the innovators. Technologists today are almost never innovators, but rather plumbers who build pipelines to move ideas in the form of data back and forth with varying efficacy. Users are innovators, and its users that made Twitter unique.”" to the "See Also" section of /Twitter https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81369&oldid=80649

jacky joined the channel
[KevinMarks] She backs it up, the piece is worth reading.

[KevinMarks] She's generalising a bit there, and maybe a little unfair on the work to scale twitter up, but there's analysis there

jacky joined the channel
[tantek] Lots of peer-to-peer / anon-local-sharing implications of this: https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-05-10/israel-arrests-9-for-airdrop-of-crash-images-aboard-plane

petermolnar iOS, the system so secure that random people can drop any image material on them, glorious

jacky joined the channel
[tantek] not quite. there's two barriers. one, you have to set AirDrop to allow receiving requests from anyone (default is "Contacts only"), and two, you see a preview of the first photo someone is attempting to send you that you then have to accept/decline explicitly before it actually gets saved to your device

jacky joined the channel
jacky, jamietanna, timdream, AramZS_ and tetov-irc joined the channel
IWDiscordGateway <person> Thanks [chrisaldrich]! I understand what POSSE is, I'm in the "curious and wanting to read about other peoples' approaches" phase. Not so much how people implement it yet, though that's also interesting to me. I'm more curious on how people have decided what to syndicate and where and what's worked for them.
[tantek] some general thoughts on that at https://indieweb.org/POSSE#Why

jacky joined the channel