#indieweb 2022-05-16

2022-05-16 UTC
mlncn, nixer and nixer1 joined the channel
[jamesg483] a) a science b) an art c) not sure/no opinion
[indienews] New post: "Thinking about Planets and Challenges" https://david.shanske.com/2022/05/15/thinking-about-planets-and-challenges/
gRegor, cybi, DenMcH, mslehto, voxpelli, vilhalmer, bneil, jbove, frenzcan2 and mro joined the channel
[Scott_Jack] 😂
[chrisaldrich] and cybi joined the channel
What happens to TLDs when their country stops existing?
petermolnar I saw that. I feel like we should keep all TLDs but I didn’t realise there was a lot of maintenance work that went into it.
yeah... there's also Brexit vs .eu
which tossed me off from a .eu domain
well, I left voluntarily
mro joined the channel
Also io which should go to the Chagos islanders if they get their land back.
cybi joined the channel
If they rejoin Mauritius the tld may be removed, though they may want the registration income
years ago I got me a .name domain. Made sense to me back then. That country won't end nor leave the eu.
Who runs .blog I wonder?
And .coffee for that matter 😂
jamietanna joined the channel
.blog is automattic, isn't it?
Oh that’s cool.
nixer, HuguesRoss0, cybi, tetov-irc, mro_ and mro joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Plurality and the IndieWeb" https://jamesg.blog/2022/05/16/plurality-indieweb/
[indienews] New post: "Using Known for posting notes, likes, and bookmarks" https://jamesg.blog/2022/05/16/using-known/
My first blog posts in over a month.
mlncn, n8chz, silberfuchs, [tantek] and cybi joined the channel
capjamesg, Automattic owns .blog
ccTLD << 2022-04-05 [https://astrid.tech/2022/04/05/1/dead-tlds/ What happens to TLDs when their country stops existing?]
ok, I added "2022-04-05 [https://astrid.tech/2022/04/05/1/dead-tlds/ What happens to TLDs when their country stops existing?]" to the "See Also" section of /ccTLD https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81464&oldid=79299
astralbijection[, benji, cybi, ehmry and mlncn joined the channel
what do we call it when a domain is re-purposed by a founder? e.g. plancast.com now redirects to the personal site of its former CTO founder: https://marcyes.com/
ehmry, gRegor and mro joined the channel
lol. welcome back ben_thatmustbeme
i've been apparently logging this chat for years to the point that i forgot i still had quassel IRC client running
but i'm still here, just very very busy these day
cybi joined the channel
<capjamesg> Welcome!
<capjamesg> Or rather welcome back!
petermolnar and DenMcH joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme: I'm glad to aee you whenever you pop in
i may switch things up, name-wise, not sure.
cybi, seekr, tetov-irc, [aciccarello] and DenMcH joined the channel