LoqiIndieWeb Publisher is an open source fork of the responsive Independent Publisher theme for WordPress that streamlines its code and adds some additional IndieWeb friendly functionality to the original semantic theme https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb_Publisher
parjanyaGWG: hi! hmm... what’s the plan, exactly, if it’s just one; I have my website... how to add it to the webring? I remember reading about it, but not about how it works
LoqiIndiewebring is part of the great rebirth of of webrings powered by #IndieWeb technology that made 2018 the year of the webring and not the year of the microsub reader https://indieweb.org/indieweb_webring
LoqiGet started on the indieweb by connecting with the indiewebcamp community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other indieweb essentials https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started
[aciccarello]I got mad at Yelp yesterday because on mobile it tried to get me to install the app whenever I tried to read the rest of a truncated review.
LoqiReading.am is a silo with bookmark functionality for read posts about content on the web, primarily geared toward indicating "what you are reading right now." https://indieweb.org/Reading.am
[chrisaldrich]Ha. I just came to add reading.am to site deaths... I'm pretty bummed because it was a simple/easy/extensible and low friction way to add reads/listens/watches to my site.
[chrisaldrich]Reading.am may be the first silo service I've used that I owned all of my data from day one so I'm not worried about data export on the day of shut down.
[chrisaldrich]I'll note that the service did have some minimal social functionality and occasional notifications that I may miss, but I think that by far, I had much more interaction with the posts on my site directly than I had on the social part of their bookmarking service.
[hollie], rvalue, jacky, mro and [aimee] joined the channel
IWDiscordGateway<sunset> yknow with the whole "brave's ceo is a homophobe and also their 'software' being *like that*" situation, you would think they wouldnt pull stunts like that one :P
mro, jacky, apophys, n8chz, tetov-irc, cybi and [Chris_Lott] joined the channel