#indieweb 2022-06-03
2022-06-03 UTC
jacky, Hi and rvalue joined the channel
IWDiscordGateway <person> I have a question about the indieweb wiki login blocking subdomains:
IWDiscordGateway <person> > The IndieWeb wiki requires that you use your own domain to log in rather than a subdomain of someone else's domain
IWDiscordGateway <person>
IWDiscordGateway <person> Why is this? What's the benefit or philosophy behind not allowing subdomains from participating in the IndieWeb wiki?
jacky, cjw6k_ and cybi joined the channel
angelo, jacky and [echo] joined the channel
mro joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] do you mean like a dashboard to log in to?
[tw2113_Slack_] or just a domain that you can control the files for?
[tw2113_Slack_] i mean, an index.html file that you edit and create a site with, and serve at mydomain.com...that counts as a self-owned domain
[tw2113_Slack_] it's literally 1 file, but it's yours
[tw2113_Slack_] that part i'm not sure of
Sadale and old joined the channel
old Ello, in general, would you consider indieweb fun to be a part of? I really like Plag/Plague awhile ago before it "became" Sola/Steemit, just wonderin if this is more similar to Plag I guess
gRegor, mro, BlackPirateX, Hollie, [fluffy], [chrisaldrich], [echo], [schmarty], [James_Van_Dyne], [Scott_Jack], [aimee], IWDiscordGateway, tetov-irc, rvalue, mro_, n8chz, [manton], cybi and jacky joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
[CrowderSoup] I think spamming the wiki would be the biggest concern for sure. It would only take one bad actor to make a mess. I know that MW has permissions built in, I'm sure something like you're suggesting could be implemented jacky. Basically you'd just have read permissions until you were somehow "verified".
[CrowderSoup] A vouch would be awesome honestly, haha.
Loqi The Vouch protocol is an anti-spam extension to Webmention that can also be used to customize how your site accepts responses from different audiences https://indieweb.org/Vouch

jacky and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
cambridgeport90 Is it currently possible to change the email address of a user on indieweb.social at the admin level? I can't seemingly access it anymore via any of the records in my password manager, and the email address it goes with isn't currently set up. (at lest I think; can't even remember now which email I used for it, only that it's an SMTP Proxy of my own domain.)
cambridgeport90 If it could be changed to my primary one, which is kmmoss@cambridgeport90.org, that would be good. (I can send that to a public chat since it's in my public contact card anyways.)
cambridgeport90 It's a Mastodon instance populated with mostly Indieweb people, and it's run by somebody who's affiliated, but I never can tell whether those affiliated have an actual chat name up here. Dang. Looks like I'm setting up that proxy once again. Which is just as well. I have to go in there anyway and set up a bunch of mailboxes.
Loqi indieweb.social is a Mastodon instance that has (semi?)open sign-ups so anyone (like beyond the community) might have an account there, and was started with the intent of adding and enabling IndieWeb standards as proof of how Mastodon could federate with sites in general, beyond other Mastodon sites https://indieweb.org/indieweb.social

cambridgeport90 I know that Tim Chambers is one of them, but not sure who else has an admin role up there.
[tantek] indieweb.social << Got questions? Ask Tim Chambers in [[discuss|chat]].

Loqi ok, I added "Got questions? Ask Tim Chambers in [[discuss|chat]]." to a brand new "See Also" section of /indieweb.social https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81793&oldid=73077

cambridgeport90 Love seeing wiki updates... my task for tonight will be updating my site itself, which has languished for a few months in this weird error state with rogue files showing up in the logs.
cambridgeport90 that's why you haven't seen anything from me in the past few days.
mro, cybi and jacky joined the channel
AramZ-S[m] @[chrisaldrich] The Reading.am thing is really interesting!

jacky joined the channel
AramZ-S[m] Very much my /jam/

jacky, rvalue, angelo, cybi and gRegor joined the channel
IWDiscordGateway <sunset> i agree :(
AramZ-S[m] Wait, it is going to die?

jacky joined the channel
AramZ-S[m] oh, that's sad. It's so smooth. I wish they'd open source it at least. I'm curious.

AramZ-S[m] I could not find another steward than myself, and Leppert looks like someone who can afford hosting better than I can, but I would be willing to do the work to open source it. That's a good idea [tantek], I'll see what Greg is willing to do.

@leppert @sillygwailo Iād certainly be open to it but everything is pretty crusty by now. Would probably need a few days of full-time work just updating the dependencies to make it maintainable again. (twitter.com/_/status/1532367012244209665)
AramZ-S[m] Shot him an email and a tweet

AramZ-S[m] it wouldn't be the first time I took some crusty old code and pushed it into a modern open source situation.

jacky, cybi and ShinyCyril joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] AramZ-S, as a long time user, and coming from an IndieWeb perspective, it would be interesting to see Reading.am converted into a Micropub client that can post reads, listens, and watches to one's own website. This would get rid of the problem of needing to pay the bandwidth and hosting costs for the data and could leverage the existing infrastructure for posting via email, bookmarklet, etc.

nathan[m]12345 joined the channel
AramZ-S[m] Yeah, it's easy to see some interesting ways to expand it like that, or with ActivityPub or even Hyper

cybi, Nuve, tetov-irc, ShinyCyril and jacky joined the channel
[Chris_Lott] [chrisaldrich] ++ for that kind of change for reading.am!