[Chris_Lott][chrisaldrich] or [snarfed] -- I'm going to file a github issue as the error suggests, but https://telegraph.p3k.io/send-a-webmention doesn't accept a mastodon.social url as a target, which seems odd. Are there alternative tools?
[snarfed]the real right answer here would be to get Bridgy's interactive publish UI back for Mastodon. disappointed that neither the Mastodon nor the Doorkeeper people have cared enough about their bug preventing that. 🤷 https://github.com/doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper/issues/1554
hacdiasHi! I. wanted to join this channel through matrix but I used chat.indieweb.org and now I can't log out / free my username on libera. Anyone knows how can I log out from chat.indiweb.org? 😅