#indieweb 2022-06-10

2022-06-10 UTC
jeremycherfas, jjuran, gRegor, cjw6k_, Nuve2, Nuve9, Nuve, Nuve4, crimsonkinda, mro and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
<capjamesg> The points in this article are very fair: https://css-tricks.com/am-i-on-the-indieweb-yet/
<capjamesg> What is documentation?
<capjamesg> This goes back to our discussions earlier this year about more user-friendly documentation (in the same vein as IndieWeb Guides from [calumryan] + collaborators).
<capjamesg> I have learned so much from the IndieWeb wiki but that's generally because I know what I'm looking for and, failing to find something in the wiki, I'll ask here and maybe make amendments myself.
<capjamesg> On the other hand, the wiki does often feel more like reference material. This isn't a bad thing: tutorials and reference material complement each other.
<capjamesg> A tutorial base would feel very different to the wiki, especially with regard to how content is referenced. Think an article titled "Let websites interpret your profile" vs just "h-card". Or "Use your domain to sign in to IndieWeb websites" rather than "IndieAuth"
<capjamesg> I like the UK government's approach to simple language in their guides, broken down in stages. The NHS does this well, too.
<capjamesg> Another example: "Follow people with a social reader" vs. "Microsub"
friendly reminder IWDiscordGateway, it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (Microformats, Microsub), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
<capjamesg> I think this is still more #indieweb because I'm talking in the abstract about documentation, not about the concepts themselves? I'm happy to move this to #dev though.
yeah, ignore Loqi for that one I'd say :)
mro, jjuran and joj joined the channel
aaronpk: hi! It seems Miniflux (RSS reader) has not been able to parse your JSOn feed for the past week: "Unable to parse JSON Feed: "json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field jsonAttachment.items.attachments.url of type string"" - I checked and it seems that one of your attachment's url is an array instead of a string, which is not valid :/
tetov-irc, mro, cjw6k, AramZS and Nuve joined the channel
nah, if you're having to talk about documentation for dev topics, you're not talking about the problems that article is talking about. Loqi is right
capjamesg, though talking about improving the wiki itself is more suitable for #indieweb-meta 🙂
mambang[m] joined the channel
<capjamesg> [tantek] My comments are all in response to "The wiki is confusing. Wikis are super cool in general, but the non-linear nature of it makes it tough to know where to start and where to end."
<capjamesg> #meta is more appropriate for sure.
consider reading books or manuals not a wiki
wiki is designed to be read depending on parts of your query
in my humble opinion -- going from making wikis for different small web apps/design guides in propriatary software corps
mro, gRegor, jacky, [grantcodes], tbbrown and jamietanna joined the channel
+1 to the excellent work the government does, there's some really great work put into making sure communication is best for everyone
jacky, rvalue and Jamietanna1 joined the channel
capjamesk and jamietanna that's so cool to hear.
i know when i was in Australia I was always impressed by the communication of the Victoria gov in particular but even the aussie fedgov did a good job
jacky, tetov-irc and rvalue joined the channel
Data is the new soil. A way to reframe "data is the new oil" but as a part of the commons, and potentially related to the IndieWeb idea of digital gardens. Thoughts?