#indieweb 2022-06-10
2022-06-10 UTC
jeremycherfas, jjuran, gRegor, cjw6k_, Nuve2, Nuve9, Nuve, Nuve4, crimsonkinda, mro and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> The points in this article are very fair: https://css-tricks.com/am-i-on-the-indieweb-yet/
IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> What is documentation?
IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> This goes back to our discussions earlier this year about more user-friendly documentation (in the same vein as IndieWeb Guides from [calumryan] + collaborators).
IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> I have learned so much from the IndieWeb wiki but that's generally because I know what I'm looking for and, failing to find something in the wiki, I'll ask here and maybe make amendments myself.
IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> On the other hand, the wiki does often feel more like reference material. This isn't a bad thing: tutorials and reference material complement each other.
IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> A tutorial base would feel very different to the wiki, especially with regard to how content is referenced. Think an article titled "Let websites interpret your profile" vs just "h-card". Or "Use your domain to sign in to IndieWeb websites" rather than "IndieAuth"
IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> I like the UK government's approach to simple language in their guides, broken down in stages. The NHS does this well, too.
IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> Another example: "Follow people with a social reader" vs. "Microsub"
IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> I think this is still more #indieweb because I'm talking in the abstract about documentation, not about the concepts themselves? I'm happy to move this to #dev though.
mro, jjuran and joj joined the channel
hacdias aaronpk: hi! It seems Miniflux (RSS reader) has not been able to parse your JSOn feed for the past week: "Unable to parse JSON Feed: "json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field jsonAttachment.items.attachments.url of type string"" - I checked and it seems that one of your attachment's url is an array instead of a string, which is not valid :/
tetov-irc, mro, cjw6k, AramZS and Nuve joined the channel
mambang[m] joined the channel
IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> [tantek] My comments are all in response to "The wiki is confusing. Wikis are super cool in general, but the non-linear nature of it makes it tough to know where to start and where to end."
IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> #meta is more appropriate for sure.
crimsonkinda consider reading books or manuals not a wiki
crimsonkinda wiki is designed to be read depending on parts of your query
crimsonkinda in my humble opinion -- going from making wikis for different small web apps/design guides in propriatary software corps
mro, gRegor, jacky, [grantcodes], tbbrown and jamietanna joined the channel
jamietanna +1 to the excellent work the government does, there's some really great work put into making sure communication is best for everyone

jacky, rvalue and Jamietanna1 joined the channel
[Scott_Jack] capjamesk and jamietanna that's so cool to hear.
[Scott_Jack] i know when i was in Australia I was always impressed by the communication of the Victoria gov in particular but even the aussie fedgov did a good job
jacky, tetov-irc and rvalue joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Data is the new soil. A way to reframe "data is the new oil" but as a part of the commons, and potentially related to the IndieWeb idea of digital gardens. Thoughts?