#indieweb 2022-06-11

2022-06-11 UTC
Soil is a context in which things can grow. I see data more as a byproduct than a catalyst.
Seirdy, gRegor, gerben, jacky, rvalue and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel; crimsonkinda left the channel
Data alone is nothing much; it is the information that grows out of well-managed data that is valuable. As [chrisaldrich] said …
jacky, [marksuth], rvalue, mro, gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
There are a disconcerting number of initiatives that are pretty much Cambridge Analytica on the blockchain. Lots of blockchain promoters still think a panopticon containing ALL THE PERSONAL DATA, forever, immutably, is a good idea and not a terrible one. https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2018/03/22/blockchain-identity-cambridge-analytica-but-on-the-blockchain/
mro, tetov-irc, n8chz, gRegor, cybi, jacky, ehmry and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
^ I also really like how this site's designed
CrowderSoup joined the channel
the opening things of 'what I want from the Internet/Web' def aligned with me
that's also a good read! my personal journey was like: "oh, this is like /story, neat" into "wait there's a federation protocol??"
heh right!
jacky joined the channel
I do like the idea of a 'fixed' feed
like that there's people I see and that their portions update accordingly
interesting design experiment
jacky joined the channel
I love that that idea is so different from what internet interaction is right now
Also, "Sorry, folks … you’ve got to let go of the numbers. In 2022, they are not helpful feedback, but rather a clear warning you are in the wrong place."
[Scott_Jack]: yeah!
this _vaguely_ reminds me of something else about Gen Z's social media use and how it's "anti-design"
cybi, jacky and anonymous joined the channel
<tracydurnell> I don't know what I'm talking about from the tech side 😉 but threw up some thoughts about that kind of presentation from an IndieWeb perspective https://tracydurnell.com/2022/06/10/following-people-outside-feed/
jacky, tbbrown, cybi, mro, laker78, tetov-irc, jarkad and Jamietanna2 joined the channel