#indieweb 2022-06-28
2022-06-28 UTC
Jon, Alec, BinarySavior, kloenk, tommorris, webmind, chenghiz_, walkah, Seirdy, sebbu, silberfuchs, yukinu[m], Miren[m]1, gRegor and [snarfed] joined the channel
nathan[m]12345, moonlionethvera[, sebbu2, pharalia[m], sp1ff, jeremycherfas and geoffo_ joined the channel
geoffo_, tbbrown, AramZS, Guest84, ShinyCyril, gRegor, angelo, Seirdy, rvalue, gxt, jamietanna, AshMcAllan[m], aynish[m], Jef[m], HughRawlinson[m], nathan[m]12345, anarchivist1, pharalia[m], moonlionethvera[, Miren[m]1, HenriqueDias[m], voidcontext[m], yukinu[m], tetov-irc, zack[m], threewordchant, dan[m], AramZ-S[m], mambang[m], nathan[m], presgas[m], hacdias, lkhrs[m], Miren[m], n8chz, nertzy, Alec, chenghiz_, bneil, [fluffy], [schmarty], [aciccarello] and [Scott_Jack] joined the channel; Guest84 left the channel
gxt, [Scott_Jack], IWSlackGateway, Alec, IWDiscordGateway, [tantek], [snarfed], [aciccarello], [schmarty], [LewisCowles], [KevinMarks], gRegor, [fluffy], geoffo_, chenghiz_, AramZS, sp1ff, tetov-irc, walkah, kloenk, [chrisaldrich], BinarySavior, strugee, gerben, lanodan, oodani, petermolnar, cjw6k, GWG, [tw2113_Slack_], wagle, vilhalmer, jarkad, sknebel, rhiaro_, raucao, jjuran, Kaja, benji, stevestreza_, klez, ben_thatmustbeme, saptaks, apophys, voxpelli, willnorris, n8chz, rvalue, jetpack, bneil, streety, bozo_, Jon, webmind, Saloframes, krjst, timdream, Sadale, frenzcan, fcser, blahblah441, peterrother, jmac, qa6, bleb, vroman_, hedy, moose333, push-f, nsh, shreyasminocha_ and parjanya joined the channel
yar, geoffo_, tetov-irc, AramZS_, AramZS, BrendanFinan[m] and ShinyCyril joined the channel