#indieweb 2022-07-02
2022-07-02 UTC
barpthewire, angelo, bozo, n8chz, gxt_, geoffo, jacky, kloenk, vroman, geoffo_, gRegor, nertzy, oodani, blahblah441_, rvalue, mro, tetov-irc and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [Chris_Lott] yes good luck as well, been with them since the beginning, I had everythign Indieweb working for like five to ten minutes once. Tim isn't going to change his mind. "Why do we need better pingbacks when blog comments and rss still work fine?"

gRegor, rvalue, n8chz, geoffo, mro, s[_], jacky and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I've had a intellectual property troll (law firm) send me a proforma "settlement letter" regarding infringement with regard to a photo which I'm reasonably sure is covered by fair use. Does anyone have experience with these sorts of cases or have IP firms they'd recommend for batting them down?

AramZS and gRegor joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] moving this over from #indieweb-wordpress: I was considering an audit of my site to see what percentages of comments stem from the various historical protocols or even the native comment box I provide. I'd also love to know what percentage of Webmentions are site to site versus those sent via Brid.gy from supported silos. Has anyone done this sort of analysis on their site before? What were the results?

AramZS, geoffo and mro joined the channel
geoffo, AramZS, gRegor, rvalue and mro joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] !tell AramZ-S What do you consider Context Center https://github.com/AramZS/context-center to be? A digital garden, wiki, commonplace book, personal Memex, other? Any interest in linking (federating?) it with other similar structures?

mro joined the channel
AramZ-S[m] [chrisaldrich] It's more a common use bibliography right now than anything else, for lack of a better term. I'm super interested in linking and federation actually, the capacity for similar sites to work with each other to build out archives and topics is really interesting and one of the reasons getting a better read on ActivityPub and other options is on my to do list. I could also see how linked sites could share their archives or

AramZ-S[m] feature topics from each other.

AramZ-S[m] Thus far I've taken in contributions via pull requests, but other ways that could work are really interesting.

AramZ-S[m] The other thing I want to get working on there is timelines (see ongoing work at https://github.com/AramZS/context-center/tree/timeline ) and once that is done I def want to explore more options. I also want to get the archiving tools working a little better. There are some problems with featured images that need to get fixed and the generation of the share blocks needs to be tweaked.

[chrisaldrich] There are a number of people working on having wikis, digital gardens, and digital notebooks "talk" to each other.

AramZ-S[m] Would def be glad to read more about that if you have some specific links! I can also see how it might be useful tied into some sort of search engine mechanism which is why I'm very interested in the indie search stuff

[chrisaldrich] Folks like Flancian are aggregating some things like this in https://anagora.org/. I'm not sure "federation" is the right word to describe it versus collaborative sense making in a collective knowledge sort of way.

[chrisaldrich] I was staying away from the F*d word on purpose there Loqi, but thanks.

AramZ-S[m] Haha. I'll have to look up Anagora's docs, that does look very interesting. Yeah, collaborative work and collective knowledge is the outcome I'd prefer, since part of my goals with this is to find ways to provide people with the means to educate themselves, either out of a rut, or for the purpose of being able to have effectively convincing conversations on hard topics.

[chrisaldrich] Anagora is more like an aggregated wiki of wikis, but also has some interesting effects on search and discovery for those who are using it.

[chrisaldrich] I've been thinking about what it would look like for people to have their own "agora" structures that aggregate not only their own work(s), but also those of others that they trust.

[chrisaldrich] FedWiki is a similar sort of object here too.

[chrisaldrich] What is FedWiki?

Loqi The Smallest Federated Wiki is an open source project led by Ward Cunningham to produce a wiki that federates using fork history, and was created & launched at the first IndieWebCamp in 2011 in Portland https://indieweb.org/fedwiki

mro joined the channel
AramZ-S[m] queues that up in my reading list as well.

[chrisaldrich] I've been having some informal chats with Flancian, Jerry Michalski, Samuel J. Klein (of Knowledge Futures) on some of these ideas on Thursdays at 11am https://www.fellowshipofthelink.org/ if any folks here would like to join us. I'm trying to inject some IndieWeb building blocks into their thinking. I'm happy to provide the invite details for anyone interested.

AramZ-S[m] Yeah, I think this idea, of aggregators that support the aggregation of the people they trust, a sort of inside out RSS Reader approach, could be very useful if built up with the right SEO and SMO hacks to create greater presence for widely supported works and aggregated ideas.

AramZ-S[m] I'd def like to join in

AramZ-S[m] Invite via email?

AramZ-S[m] oh yeah, looking at that site and I can see this is def my jam

AramZ-S[m] and I see the invite there

[chrisaldrich] Yes, via email is the best way to keep up at the moment as we've been trying to find a standing time to accommodate people across time zones.

[chrisaldrich] do you still use your gmu email address on your site? or do you prefer something else?

geoffo and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
AramZ-S[m] [chrisaldrich] I try to set up custom emails for these types of things so they don't get lost and I can easily filter them. Use aramzs-indieweb@chronoto.pe

[chrisaldrich] I do that frequently as well. Also a good method for discovering who's selling my email address when they said they wouldn't.

[Murray] and snarfed joined the channel
gRegor, alex11, geoffo and tetov-irc joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] snarfed++

gxt_, GWG, nertzy and jacky joined the channel