[chrisaldrich]For those using the Mendeley reference manager and silo service for bookmarking articles and saving documents, they're discontinuing their desktop app on 2022-09-01. Zotero is a useful open source alternative and has a good upgrade path that allows you to own your data (including annotations). See https://twitter.com/RemyLevin/status/1543679716003020803 for details/instructions.
@RemyLevinI've been using Mendeley Desktop daily for years, & have an annotated library of thousands of pdfs. Today, I switched to Zotero. Here's a 🧵of tips on how to do this, if you're also tired of Elsevier's BS and want to make the switch w/minimal effort while maintaining workflow. (twitter.com/_/status/1543679716003020803)
pjplayerIsn’t it really that the whole thing is a complete sham? He’s claiming that his “organization” is the key to his “success” but has excluded other factors that no amount of organization could replace. That’s the clownishness I saw.
[chrisaldrich]For those who are celebrating Independence Day in America (and even for those who arent'), [manton]'s Indie Microblogging book is at 15 on Hacker News. It's good reading for a holiday like today.