#indieweb 2022-08-02

2022-08-02 UTC
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
This Federated TikTok alternative looks pretty together for an early alpha....
Early alpha
Our goal is to build a free open source social platform for sharing
"Goldfish - A brand new free open source social network -
hey [timothy_chambe]: would you mind moving this conversation (open source, federated) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
We are still in very early development and this is our official test server."
I think that's on topic for here, dev-type words aside :)
Have you tried it yet [timothy_chambe]?
I saw the accounts in the "Explore" sidebar with 845k followers and thought that's a lot for an alpha. Looks like it's a mockup, though, links are 404 haha
unl0ckd joined the channel
"open source" isn't a user-facing feature šŸ™ƒ
Sure, I just meant discussing goldfish.social itself
gRegorLove_, yapka and cambridgeport90[ joined the channel
I'm a little late to the party, I see.
cambridgeport90[: There was a party?
If there was, then I missed it. Because appservice kicked me from here... I have just as many chat servers joined including this one, as I do Discord servers, so... I probably forgot to come up here a whole lot.
Until I realized that I was missing a huge pile of updates in the last week or two.
gxt___, jjuran, rvalue, tetov-irc and [tonz] joined the channel
Is anyone here aware of open web work on social graph as discovery mechanism, or some other use? I notice https://indieweb.org/social_graph is a stub last edited 6 yrs ago. E.g. connecting up published blogrolls? Iā€™m aware of some ā€™00s academic work on visualising social graphs based on cross-blog conversations. Any other pointers you are aware of?
[indienews] New post: "Indiewebify me! And don't forget my webmentions!" https://chringel.dev/2022/07/indiewebify-me-and-dont-forget-my-webmentions/
thanks @pmlnr!
gRegorLove_, AramZS, gRegorLove__, jacky and angelo joined the channel
I'm looking for a few profile picture examples to use in an upcoming blog post about...displaying profile pictures šŸ˜ any volunteers? I will credit you thoroughly!
sure! also if you haven't seen the trick i use for profile pictures, this should be interesting https://aaronparecki.com/2019/02/25/9/emoji
[Aaron Parecki] Emoji Avatars for My Website
jacky, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, Steve[m]123, n8chz, geoffo and jacky_ joined the channel
SMTP, as protocol, because from the time it's from, has the idea that if the receiving server is off, the sender will retry later, and will do that for the configured time, at certain intervals (usually ~3 days). That is built into the protocol, unlike with HTTP.
So I was wondering that with ideas like https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/ which goes to sleep if it runs out of power, it'd be nice to have some kind of notice that "HTTP 599 ssssshh, the site is sleeping", but then it's can't be the site, given it's asleep.
But what it could be is, for example, a DNS TXT record that indicates the site might sometimes temporary go offline. Thoughts?
j12t and Ruxton_ joined the channel
^ petermolnar I like this line of thinking and brainstorming a lot. happy to follow-up in #indieweb-dev
Oh yeah, that is interesting!
streety, tetov-irc, Jon, IWSlackGateway4, [jgmac1106] and nertzy joined the channel