#indieweb 2022-09-04

2022-09-04 UTC
neceve, Nuve, neceve_, ren, gRegorLove_, n8chz1, n8chz, geoffo, bterry, raucao, jonnybarnes, voxpelli, [Jamie_Tanna]1, Oclair, bozo_, cjw6k, jarkad, yar, vroman, distopico, klez_, oxtyped-, emery, vikanezrimaya, toastal, Bitweasil-, rockorager, paulgrmn, eb, jmtd, ancarda, srushe, capjamesg, shreyasminocha, Feoh, jbove, Demi, sm2n, rrix, aaronpk, anarchivist_, sebsel, Saphire, Xe, [chrisaldrich], IWDiscordGateway, [Jamie_Tanna], Ruxton_, gxt, milkii, s[_], jeremycherfas, sivoais, tommorris, lanodan, benji, Kaja, rhiaro, alecjonathon, willnorris, jan6, GWG, apophys, omz13, chenghiz_, Zegnat, Pyroxtheythem[m], sebbu, joshproehl, Steve[m]1231, jjuran, reed, zack[m], strugee, AramZ-S[m], mambang[m], rektide_, angelo, ^[, sknebel, Seirdy, Guest5425, pmlnr, ben_thatmust, [manton], push-f, peterrother, joj, jetpack, toastloop, duncanbeevers, qa6, hedy, frenzcan, blahblah441, Saphir, BinarySavior_, t0nic, nsh, boombim, mslehto_, gerben, fcser, omth[m], kandr3s, olaf[m], rvalue, moose333, aynish[m], Kevon[m], krjst, jmac, n-o-n-a[m], hala-bala[m], webmind, h4kor[m], anarchivist, romangeeko, threewordchant, oodani_, chrisbr, walkah, kloenk, tetov-irc, draconigen[m], charmonium[m], rvalue-, BinarySavior, sara, [manton]1, [jeremycherfas] and barnaby joined the channel
Zoom link to join hackday is in the eventpage
(good morning from Berlin!)
Good morning everyone!
geoffo and neceve_ joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb! I was a bit too tired yesterday to join the fun, but thinking I'll try and get some IndieWebbing done this fine hackday!
Zegnat feel free to join the Zoom!
does a happy dance!
[James_Van_Dyne] and tetov-irc joined the channel
capjamesg: the host will let me in soon, Zoom tells me ;)
jamietanna, kloenk and n8chz joined the channel
Sadly I have to jump off for a bit, hoping to be back for demos!
aaronpk Quill isn't working for me. It's making a request to primary.indieauth.com that fails.
(email auth, that is)
oh no, I changed some dns settings for IndieAuth.com and must have broken something
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
Just curious, was IWC Berlin the first IWC in the last couple years with a real in-person gathering?
we had one in Düsseldorf last year
Feel like that is kind of worth celebrating. 🎉
Okay, never mind then! 🙂
Nice. I remember now. Last year was a blur.
And this year!
IWC Berlin now starting demos
barnaby went through issues on the taproot indieauth library and fixed a few of them
ome backcompat support, adjusted tokendata format, fixed logic problems, updated dependencies, now allows unfetchable client ids, started work on refresh token support
event page doesn't have it
at the top of the event page
description text
jkphl worked on a little posting interface he has for work trips mostly
there's a field for that
had issues on iOS, debugged that with help of capjamesg
found and fixed a bunch of bugs that prevented to get to the main issue
sara thought about adding information who she met to events (privately) on her site, made a prototype, but stopped that
looked into font issues with different languages/writing systems
capjamesg worked on the indieweb-utilities python lib
now can customize code that makes webrequests to avoid unneeded requests
started a game of tic-tac-toe over WMs
cleaned up site code, improved navigation
fixed CSS issues round font sizes
Nuve, ren, shadowkyogre, gRegorLove_, ehmry, geoffo, cjw6k, AramZS, n8chz, gRegorLove__, jacky, [fluffy] and tetov-irc joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel
sknebel I used to blog every event I went to, after I went to it, and list the people I met by name & blog, linking to them with rel=met. such "event rolls" were a thing for a hot minute in the mid-2000s
ooh apparently sometimes I'd dedicate a whole post to such: https://tantek.com/log/2004/03.html#d19
(I don't want to even know how many of those blogs died or zombified)
gRegorLove_ joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel