#indieweb 2022-09-05

2022-09-05 UTC
geoffo, jacky, gxt and petermolnar joined the channel
what is a multiphoto
A multi-photo is like a photo post, except just with multiple adjacent photos, either in a series, or tiled / arranged in some layout https://indieweb.org/multiphoto
Borghal, gRegor and jacky joined the channel
I'm exploring the point of multiphoto vs collection vs article-with-a-bunch-of-photos posts and differences from an authoring, story-telling, and POSSE/distribution perspective
one of my recent posting challenges is I was trying to do "everything" for a particular "post" all in one "post" and the various constraints of the "everything" were so many that it was making it too hard to make the post
so I'm back to exploring what is the (conceptual, practical, personal, social) point of a multi-photo vs collection vs article-with-a-bunch-of-photos post
shadowkyogre joined the channel
I've not done collection posts, but I usually use multi-photo when the photos are more important and text is secondary. Article with photos if the text is more important and photos are a nice add-on, like a post about travels
this is a good reason to potentially do *two* posts instead of one
Usually only the multi-photo posts get syndicated to Instagram, though I have occasionally made a (single) photo post on Instagram to encourage people to check out an article.
a multiphoto that's focused primarily on the photos, with minimal description/caption and maybe a "short story" that summarizes what's going on across the photos (not duplicating alt text obv)
I think I've only done the latter a couple times, and they weren't photo-heavy articles
and yeah to syndicate to IG
and then a longer article piece where you can tell a longer story, illustrated by the photos, that likely includes a lot more information that’s not in the photos
n8chz, geoffo, jacky, gRegor, paddymahoney2, Oclair, ren, Nuve, [KevinMarks], jonnybarnes_, raucao_, IWDiscordGateway, [jeremycherfas], 042AAKV7G, mambang[m], toastloop, bterry, bozo_, rvalue, voxpelli, yar, tetov-irc, [Murray], cjw6k, neceve_, barnaby, nertzy, shadowkyogre, Saphir, Borghal1 and timdream joined the channel; shadowkyogre left the channel