#aaronpkI really want to add a feature to my site where if I favorite a tweet it will go find all the other tweets in the thread and save those in the post on my site too
#LoqiA reply chain (AKA reply thread) is a list of replies, and replies to those replies, displayed under the original post https://indieweb.org/reply-chain
gRegor, aynish[m], lefuturisteMatth, threewordchant, Steve[m], mambang[m], AramZ-S[m], Pyroxtheythem[m], zack[m], anarchivist, reed, jordemort, h4kor[m], olaf[m], chrisbr, charmonium[m], hala-bala[m], Rafael[m] and npd[m] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]The challenge is that the definition of a thread depends on which tweet you reply to - you can trace the "previous" tweet upwards but there are potentially forks downwards as even the tweet author can reply to responses to create a subsequent thread
omth[m], mro, mpardalos[m], tetov-irc and barnaby joined the channel
#barnabyaaronpk: agreed re making a “thread reader”, I was considering making a standalone thread-reader/explorer site as a demo. Having something like that integrated into a feed reader would be great
omth[m] joined the channel
#barnabyespecially seeing as twitter’s thread-reading UIs are so abysmal and fragile
n8chz, chenghiz_, jacky and AramZS joined the channel
#barnabytalking of thread readers, has anyone made an indieweb “follow this thread” function? where you give it a post, and it periodically fetches it and checks for replies recursively
#[tantek]4[KevinMarks] I think first cut is you up go both up & down thread *only* following posts from the author of the tweet you favorite
#barnabyI saw some discussion on twitter recently about that apparently having been prototyped internally there, but they decided it was too niche to make a public feature
#barnabythere are a few people I follow on twitter mostly because I want to get updates to a particular long-term thread of theirs
#barnabybut even those often get lost in the rest of the feed, so being able to put the thread somewhere in a feed reader UI would be really useful
#aaronpki've definitely thought about building that
#barnabyone heuristic for selectively including third-party replies in a thread follow would be to check to see if the original thread author responded to them
#@textfilesIf I + 20 of my closest friends decided to, we could, with pretty shockingly little effort, create a brutally resilient, powerful and effective network of communication either on top of or outside of the internet as it currently runs, and it would SMOKE 1990s internet backbone. (twitter.com/_/status/1569784644303822849)
[Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
#[Jamie_Tanna]Seirdy I seem to remember mine being instant, but can't remember if the first ever syndication took some time
Oclair, barnaby, tetov-irc, AramZS and chrisbr joined the channel
#[tantek]4green computing << Make sure your IndieWeb site is using a service or [[hosting]] that both uses renewable energy, and is not at risk of shutting down due to local climate crisis heat impacts, unlike say Twitter: https://twitter.com/b_fung/status/1569386801994891264