AramZS, n8chz, alex11, gopiandcode, bterry, [Murray]1 and [Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
#corlaezwow that twitter thing is wild. another good reason to go back to simpler tech
#aaronpkmassive centralized services were a mistake
#corlaezin a way this reminds me why I am still on the fence about webmentions
#corlaezit adds comments and likes replicating the silo features which are mostly geared to burst dopamine. In addition to that it adds complexity to the site (censorship, data removal policies, etc)
#aaronpkthat feels like a completely different problem but i also agree
bozo_, GWG, [Jamie_Tanna]1, tetov-irc, strugee, chenghiz_, Nuve, [manton], mro, gopiandcode, AramZS and gxt joined the channel