2022-09-15 UTC
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# 06:48 epoch IP like, IP address, or IP like intellectual property?
# 06:49 epoch guess the second one doesn't make sense because if they didn't own it, it wouldn't be their IP
# 07:05 [KevinMarks] Intellectual Property is a daft abstraction, but that is what she means. She had an agreement with News International to keep her old site up, which they have broken
# 07:18 epoch then I guess a word other than "own" in that tweet would have been less confusing to me.
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# 13:24 aaronpk IP can be owned by the creator or by someone else, it's a specific legal term used in copyright law at least in the US
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# 16:02 [tantek]4 it's roughly equivalent to own your data or own your content etc.
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# 16:22 epoch I get what they intended, but, it is "own your property" if you didn't own it, it wouldn't be your property, it'd be someone else's
# 16:22 epoch it is called your property because you own it.
jacky joined the channel
# 16:28 aaronpk are you trying to say that because the article was a work for hire that it wasn't her IP in the first place?
# 16:34 epoch oh, it was a work for hire? I guess if you sell your rights to a work, it isn't "your" IP anymore.
# 16:35 aaronpk i don't know, but that is the only way what you're saying makes sense. if it's not a work for hire, then it is her IP, regardless of what license the publication has to the IP
# 16:36 epoch I was more wondering if I misunderstand what property and ownership are.
# 16:37 epoch as far as I knew, all things I own are my property, and all of my property are things I own.
# 16:37 aaronpk IP ownership and licensing have very little in common with physical property ownership
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# 17:45 [KevinMarks] Hence why I called it a daft abstraction. Ownership of non rivalrous goods doesn't map well to land metaphors.
# 17:56 jacky (tbh the land references are weak in themselves too)
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# 19:23 Loqi jacky has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (67 in all channels)
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