#indieweb 2022-09-16

2022-09-16 UTC
AramZS, geoffo, AramZS_, ehmry, jacky, Seirdy, angelo, gRegor, gRegorLove_, mro, shindakun, jjuran and mro_ joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "WordPress+IndieWeb as the OS of the Open Social Web" https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2022/09/wordpressindieweb-as-the-os-of-the-open-social-web/
tetov-irc, jonnybarnes, angelo_, bterry, Nuve and jacky joined the channel
i'm working on a client-side search engine for my static site using sql.js and had the thought: what if there was something like <link rel="sqlsite" href="/path/to/sqllite.db" /> that served up a sqlite database with all of a site's posts indexed in some sort of agreed-upon schema? (prolly based on h-entry)
then it would be real easy to build a standard client-side search thing, or CLIs, or metasearch engines that aggregate multiple sites together
jordemort: can you move the tech talk (client-side, database, schema, Microformats) to #indieweb-dev to keep this channel more inclusive and inviting?
ah sorry no problem 🙂
i'll bring it over there
(after my chat client finishes joining the room, which could be a while)
jacky, jacky__, [Will_Monroe], AramZS, geoffo, angelo, n8chz, jeremycherfas, gRegor, ehmry, CrowderSoup, ben_thatmustbeme, wagle, barnaby, [Jamie_Tanna], Ruxton, tetov-irc, ren and nertzy joined the channel