#indieweb 2022-09-17
2022-09-17 UTC
jacky, geoffo, adamz and kk joined the channel
# kk kol
ben_thatmustbeme and angelo joined the channel
# IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> This is an interesting position to present to the CMA.
# [tantek]4 💀
# [tantek]4 what is giphy
# Loqi Giphy is a silo to search and share animated gifs https://indieweb.org/Giphy
# [tantek]4 Giphy << Self-criticism: 2022-09-16 The Guardian: [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/sep/16/gifs-are-cringe-and-for-boomers-giphy-claims-in-meta-takeover-filing ‘Gifs are cringe’: how Giphy’s multimillion-dollar business fell out of fashion] <blockquote>“There are indications of an overall decline in gif use,” ... “They have fallen out of fashion as a content form, with younger users in particular describing gifs a
# [tantek]4 boomers’ and ‘cringe’.”</blockquote>
# Loqi ok, I added "Self-criticism: 2022-09-16 The Guardian: [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/sep/16/gifs-are-cringe-and-for-boomers-giphy-claims-in-meta-takeover-filing ‘Gifs are cringe’: how Giphy’s multimillion-dollar business fell out of fashion] <blockquote>“There are indications of an overall decline in gif use,” ... “They have fallen out of fashion as a content form, with younger users in particular describing gifs a" to the "See Also" section of /Giphy https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=83482&oldid=69943
# [KevinMarks] The problem with "Creators" and "posts" as an organising principle https://severancetime.substack.com/p/towards-a-theory-of-the-creator
shindakun joined the channel
# [tantek]4 [KevinMarks] that reads like a bit of an elitist troll a la Keen. What am I missing?
# [tantek]4 Did the 5th circuit just (effectively) kill silos? https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/09/16/5th-circuit-texas-social-media-law/
# [KevinMarks] The Creators rhetoric is the silos latest self image of who they're supporting. It's a critique of that.
# [tantek]4 I mean sorta? Feels more like someone misunderstanding the size/effort put into creation for the value thereof
# [tonz] to me it read like ‘creators’ is just short for ‘content creators’, which stuck because it sounds more lofty than just generating fodder for the rage-machines. Doing a find and replace in that article like that seems to clear up a lot of confusion with actual makers and artists. Or maybe I just skimmed too shallowly.
# [KevinMarks] As "content" was rightly decried as viewing the message from the point of view of the medium, they're eliding "content" now.
# [KevinMarks] "filling the news hole"
tetov-irc and fcjz joined the channel
# fcjz hello?
# [KevinMarks] Hi there fcjz
# IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> Hello!
# [tantek]4 [KevinMarks] yes that looks new
jacky, bterry1, [jeremycherfas], bozo, chenghiz_, geoffo, rvalue, Nuve, tetov-irc, AramZS and gRegor joined the channel