#indieweb 2022-09-18

2022-09-18 UTC
ren, n8chz, geoffo, shindakun, jonnybarnes, rvalue, tetov-irc, Nuve and chenghiz_ joined the channel
Hope I’m not spoiling @youngvulgarian’s book “Escape” — which I’m reading now and which is a great look at the way the internet has evolved over the past 15-20 years — but I love this idea of “silent friends” and it rings true for people who’ve drifted into and out of my life too https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fc8qZkDXEAIA021.jpg
gRegorLove_, Nuve, [schmarty], AramZS, shindakun, geoffo, aaronpk, davidized, [snarfed], tetov-irc and [jgarber] joined the channel