[tantek]4Does anyone use an offline blog post writing site/app on their iPad that they like? I basically use the built-in Notes app to capture/expand drafts until they feel like they have enough content/structure to start marking up, adding relevant images etc.
aaronpkI do use Notion a fair amount, and it mostly works offline, except if you happen to be using it exactly 6 months after you last logged in, in which case it forces you to log in again. I've mentioned to them that this is a problem and they seem to disagree
[tantek]4lol yeah I remember that coming up before and I think we had pretty heated discussion about whether Notion was actually local/offline first or not (I didn't think so because of the login nonsense).
[schmarty]I enjoy Drafts and have played with using it for Micropub a bit using the built in scripting but my setup is a bit hacky so I use it rarely 😅
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